Chapter 7

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-Rachel pov-
I'm woken up with sunlight coming through the window. My head is pounding and I have two bodies wrapped around me. I smile when I see the bodies are Quinn and Santana. I am able to untangle myself and walk to the bathroom.

Once I pull out Advil everything flashes back. I remember everything. The drinks, Kurt pulling me, Mercedes pushing me into the room, Finn talking, and I remember how it ends. I feel bile rise and I turn to the toilet.

"Oh god" I vomit into the toilet "Oh god!"

"Rachel?" I stiffen at Santana's voice "I'm going to grab your hair"

"Stay back" I move to where I can see her "Please"

"Rach we know how everything happened" Santana crouches down in front of me "It's not your fault...if anything's it Quinn and mines"

"I'm the one that trusted Kurt" I put a hand on my stomach "Did...did I take the pill?"

"Have you been on birth control?" I sigh and shake my head "We didn't know if you'd want to take the morning after pill...we figured not"

"Consciously I wouldn't have" I hold my hand out toward her "Can you help me up?"

She grabs my hand and helps me up. I get her up and we walk to the sink. I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth before using mouthwash. I walk out of the bathroom to the livinh room with Santana. I see everyone at the table eating breakfast.

"Look who's up" Soon all eyes are on me and I wave shyly "Let's get some food in you"

I let Santana lead me to a chair and sit down. I'm sat in between Quinn and a empty chair. I feel Quinn grab my hand and give it a squeeze. I rest my head on her shoulder as Santana sits beside me with two plates.

I look at my plate and sigh. I know I need to eat but...I'm just can't bring myself to. I feel eyes on me and see everyone looking at me. I know they have questions that they aren't asking.

"Just ask" They all look at each other confused "You all have questions"

"We are just worried Sweetie" I look at my mom "You lost your virginity in a drunken setup...I can't Imagine you feel the greatest"

"I already got sick today" I raise my head off Quinn's shoulder and look at my plate "Can I be excused?"

"Please eat the toast at least" I look at Quinn who's eyes show nothing but worry "Please?"

"Alright" I pick up the toast "I'll eat this and if I feel like it, I'll eat the rest"

She gives a small smile and nod. I managed to eat the toast and some of the tofu eggs. We all ride in one car to school today. Judy needed Santana's while she dropped hers and Quinn's off at the shop.

When we get to school I walk inside and take a deep breath. I feel both of my hands get taken and smile. I see my girls beside me and it makes me feel safe. I do notice though the looks on their faces.

"It isn't either of your faults" They don't look at me so I stop our walking "I wanted to go just as much as you two! I was forced by two people who are idiots and that's who is to blame"

"We should've been with you though" Santana quickly wipes at tear and looks around "God you're making me emotional"

"I don't blame either of you" I look at Quinn "Ok?"

"Ok" She gives me a small smile "I understand"

"Hey Rachel!" I feel the girls tense as I do at Finns voice. We all turn and he runs over to us "Hey I wanted to ta...why are you holding their hands?"

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now