Chapter 32: 2 different 2 days

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-Santana pov-
Lucy has been sitting in the living with Rachel all morning. They've just been cuddled together and I couldn't be happier. After her disappearance yesterday I'm glad she's staying near us. I wish she would talk to us though. Especially since she snaps her wrist with a rubber band a few times.

"Hey Lucy Q" I walk over to them and sit on Lucy's free side "What's up with the rubber band?"

"Just something new" She smiles and snaps it a few times "I figured that you never know when you'll need one!"

"Yeah" I look at Rachel who's sharing the disbelief in her eyes "So what happened yesterday?"

"Well you know I went out with Fran" Lucy shrugs and turns back to the tv "Did sisterly things"

"You wouldn't hide anything from us right?" Lucy turns toward Rachel "Cause we wouldn't judge anything you have to say"

"Especially if it's good" Lucy looks at me and I give her a reassuring smile "You can't tell us when times right"

"Thank you" She turns toward the tv "For now can we watch Rudolph?"

I nod and get up to find the dvd. After a few minutes of searching I find it and pop it in. I wanna know what's wrong but I'm not gonna make her uncomfortable. She'll tell us if it important...I hope.

-Lucy pov-
I don't feel good keeping this a secret but I don't want them to overstep. If I tell them about the help they'll find multiple solutions then argue. I just wanna try what Emma says and go with it. It's for the best I go that way.

I feel both of my girlfriends leaning on me and smile. This is why it's the beat I got the way I am. I don't want them stressing out or stressing me out trying to find help. Emma knows what she is doing. Now this was the last option we had but I bet you she's thinking of more!

-Emma pov-
"You know I'm supposed to be doing stuff right?" Fran kisses me again and we fall to the bed "Like important stuff"

"You and my body are important stuff" Fran smiles and stands up "Do me"

Whatever's I needed to do can wait.

-Lucy pov-
I wish I could just be strong. Rachel is being strong and getting through this pregnancy fine! Santana and I are the ones cracking. It's like we are trying to find ways to help. To make sure she stays with us.

"Youre thinking too loud" I look at Rachel and smirk "Quiet"

"Sorry princess" I give Rachel a kiss "I'll think quieter"

I look at Rudolph and try to watch but I can't. I'm with two girls I love but I feel like I cant protect them. Mom is able to throw and look and get both her girlfriends to crack! Why can't I have the Carmichael look?!

I keep the sigh inside and think about everything. Do I really wanna have the power? Would everyone be happy if the power switches hands? I mean I know I would...would I?

"Alright" Santana sits up and pauses the movie "Talk"

"It's nothing" I pluck the band but it snaps "I'm getting another one"

I let Rachel sit up before getting up. I walk to the bedroom and pull out the band bag. I grab a green one and turn around. I'm met with my girlfriends standing behind me. I jump a bit not expecting them to be there.

"Sit on the bed" I go to talk but Rachel puts on puppy dog eyes "Please?"

"Fine" She smiles and I roll my eyes "Be lucky you're cute"

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now