Chapter 40: Solos and talks part 2

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-Maribel pov-

"Am I talking to Snixx?" She nods and I nod toward the chairs "Let's sit"

She sits down and I walk over. I take the chair beside her. I get my mind settled and heart calmed down first. I look over at my daughter and smile. She's grown into such a good looking and smart girl.

"I know you may think of us as a monster" My smiles goes into confusion as Snixx looks at me sadly "Santana is so scared right now I couldn't bring her out if I tried"

"I think you are amazing" I cup her face and smile gently "I think both of you are amazing! You two are one and the same! You two are my daughter no matter what!"

"We think we are a monster" Snixx looks away leaving my hand floating "Who really wants a freak with two people in them?"

"Rachel and Lucy" Snixx looks at me slightly "Judy, Fran, Shelby, Beth, Juniper, And me! I want you baby girl"

"BUT YOU LEFT!" I look away from her not able to face her "Why? Why did you leave me?"

"I've alre~"

"NO!" I look back at her and see anger along with tears falling "Why did you really leave?"

"Abuse took it's toll" I sigh and shake my head "I was weak and escaped one night...I planned to come back and get you b..but he moved houses and I couldn't find you two"

"Did you look?" I dont respond and she hits the chair causing me to jump "Answer!"

"I-I can't" She hits it again and I drop to the floor seeing him "STOP IT DANIEL!"

"M-mom?" I shrink away from her as she reaches out "I-I'm so sorry...God I'm such a fuck up! I always jump to anger and that's it! I'm the monster from dad! I AM DAD!"

"N-no you're not" I sit up and grab her hand "We are stronger than aren't him! You are so much better then he ever was"

"How?" Snixx slowly sits down and I wipe her tears away "How am I better than him?"

I smile and cup her face again "You fight for your family" I use my thumbs to wipe away the rest of the tears "You don't hurt your family on purpose and when you accidentally do you feel so bad about it! You find a way to make it up! He would never even imagine trying to do that!"

"I wanna be apart of everyone's lives too" Snixx looks down and sighs "You think she'll let me out more?"

"I don't know how all of this works truthfully" She frowns and I force her to look at me "But I'm sure you two can work something out"

"Thanks" We move closer and hug "I love you mom"

"I love you Mija" I rub her back "No matter if it's Santana or Snixx"

After a few minutes we break apart. We stand up and the doors come open. Snixx is immediately hugged by her girlfriends. I smile and walk to mine. I turn to watch the girls and they wrap their arms around me.

"It'll get better" I smile as Shelby kisses my cheek "We won't give up till everything is"

I truly believe that. I truly believe I have finally found my family. My safe place. I couldn't be any happier than I am now.

-Time skip- Rachel pov-

We are all home after school. I'm currently laying across my girlfriends on the couch. Snixx is playing with my hair and Lucy is petting my leg. I think the moms are in the Kitchen but I don't know. 


"I've got it!" Judy yells and then opens the door "OH MY GOD!"

We jump up and run to the door. Standing there is a beat up Dave. We get him in and I notice the knapsack. There's no way.

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