Chapter 47: Valentines week part 1

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-Shelby pov-
"Alright!" The club kids look at me excited "This week you will be living in apartments! On Valentine's Day you will go to where ever you paid meal is for in your box! There is also boxes at your house! I will not be around with my girlfriends cause we have a vacation graciously given by Sue..have fun and stay out of trouble!"

I look over at Rachel and feel hesitant to leave. She's pregnant and maybe I should go down to Florida. So many things could go wrong...Nope! I'm staying home that it! I won't be going!

"Shelby if you walk back to that girl I'll grab you by your throat!" I turn shocked at Maribel "We are all nervous but we need to go! They need to learn to be adults"

"Plus how can I give you all a great date?" Holly smiles "I'm feeling ninety percent better"

"Fine" I look at Rachel "Can I just say goodbye?"

"We already did" I look at Judy and she nods "Go"

I turn and walk to my baby girl. I smile as she looks so happy. I walk up and tap her shoulder. She jumps and looks at me.

"Hey mom" She looks past me then at me "Shouldn't you be going?"

"Not if you give me a reason to" Rachel gives me a pointed look and I sigh "I love you baby girl"

"I love you" Rachel gives me a big hug  "Emma and Fran will take care of Beth"

I give her a departing hug and walk to my girlfriends. I sigh and walk with them to our car. It's time for a vacation and are Shelby. You can live it up just like them. You got this.

Maybe we can stop by a bank to deposit some money first.

-Time skip-Rachel pov-
We walk into the apartment and stop. It's so beautiful! It's natural wood flooring, not to big, and absolutely amazing! I smile as Santana runs to the living room.

I walk with Lucy in and see she's in the couch. We share a smile and look back at her. She's our couch potato. I spot the box in on the kitchen table.

I walk to it and open it. I see some spare clothes, cash, some personal necessities and a envelope. I pick it up and see Santana's name. I pout and look for something with my name.

When I come up empty handed I walk back to the other two. I smile when I see them cuddled on the couch. I walk up and hand Santana the envelope. She gives me a confused look as she takes it.

"It came from the box" She makes a 'oh' with her mouth and opens it "What's it say?"

"I have two different date plans" Santana looks down and rolls her eyes "Of course she'd know the truth about Snixx"

"So we have a date with you and Snixx?" Santana nods and I smile "That sounds lovely"

"Anything else on there?" Santana looks down it and nods before paling "What?"

"There's a baby doll we have to baby" as if on cue a cry fills the house from a monitor "She's teaching us on vacation!"

We all run around the medium apartment to find the room. After a few minutes Santana yells. I run to her voice and see her holding the doll. I walk up and gasp.

Lucy picks up a letter and walks over "So I may have lied" She growls and reads on "This is a friends baby that they are trusting you three to raise for a week! They believe you all should learn before you have your own!"

"Well this is a sex killer" I smack Santana's arm and she holds up the baby "I'm holding a baby!"

"So we have a baby huh?" We all look at the baby moving slightly in Santana's arms "So beautiful"

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now