Chapter 60: Easter

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-Rachel pov-
It's Amelias first Easter! I can't believe I get to be apart of this. I'm currently wearing a shirt that has eggs on it. It was picked out by Santana.

It says 'I am EGGspecting'.

I don't find the shirt funny but oh well. I'm wearing it for her. Lucy has picked out something for my outfit too. She picked out the necklace I'm wearing. It's two small metal pacifiers.

No those I love! Grandma has come too and is currently playing with Amelia. Santana is sitting in front of the window. Like she's waiting for someone.

"Hey" I walk over to her and she gives a small wave "You ok?"

"Uh yeah" she looks back out the window "I'm fine"

"No you're not" I sit down beside her "What's going on?"

"Just a dumb hope" Santana stands up with a sigh "I'm gonna go check on Amelia"

I watch as she walks away. She gets to Amelia and picks her up. I see where she looks every once and awhile though. She wants her grandma.

I stand up and sneak to my shoes. I look at my bike that I haven't rode in years. I guess this is a good cause to ride again. I get it unstuck and start peddling to Lima Heights Adjacent.

-Time skip-
I peddle to the address I believe is Alma Lopez's. It's what I saw on the way out. I park the bike out of breath. That sucked!

I walk up to the door and look around. This is legit the hood. This isn't a good place to be. I turn toward the door and jump.

"Who are you?" There's a Hispanic lady standing in front of me "Pregnant woman shouldn't be riding bikes for miles! They also shouldn't be in Lima Heights"

"I-I came to invite you to Easter at my house" the lady looks at me confused "You're Alma Lopez right?"

"That's next door sweetie" The lady steps out and points "Good luck"

I smile and move my bike to in front of the next house. I get off and walk to the front door. I go to knock but the door swings open. Yeah this is a Lopez.

"W-what do you want?" Alma looks all around me before looking at my stomach "You shouldn't be here! You're pregnant! You can't bike and be in the hood! Are you crazy?!"

"Santana wants you to be at our Easter" I see almas face go stone "What?"

"So you're the faggot spawn that took over my daughter and and granddaughter!" I step back as alma steps out angrily "I have some words for you!"

-Santana pov-
"Hey San?" I look up at Lucy and see she's worried "We are about to do a egg you know where Rachel is?"

"Yeah she's" I stop when i notice she's not in the window "That's odd"

"The bikes missing" I look over at Shelby confused "Rachel's old bike is missing"

"Oh no" everything clicks in my head "She went to LH Adjacent!"

Everyone pales quickly. I run and grab a set of keys. I punch it into reverse and then drive. I drive as fast as I can to get to my girl. I may have wanted my grandma but....DAMNIT!

I finally reach Lima heights Adjacent and see people. I have to park the car and exit. I lock it and take off down the road. More and more people are around Abuelas house.

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now