Chapter 43: Backstory and Cherry

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-Shelby pov-
I've waited till Saturday to fix everything. Everyone is in the living room watching T.V. right now. I take a deep breath and slowly walk into the room. As soon as I step in everyone's eyes are on me.

"Don't leave!" I look at everyone to make sure they are still sitting "I wanna fix everything I messed up Wednesday"

"You didn't mess anything up" Rachel sits up fully "Sure it could've been told better but I understand why you wanted to say it there"

"See" Maribel stands up glaring at me "YOUR daughter is fine"

Maribel pushes past me on her way out of the room. I sigh and sit down in the closest seat. I put my head in my hands and think. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up at Rachel.

"What was that about?" I look away and that just causes her to move in front of me "Mom?"

"She said you were HER daughter" I look up as Judy stands up "Meaning we aren't your moms or close to being your mom"

I look at Rachel and see the frown "I was upset cause they ruined my original plan" I sit back with a sigh "Now she's mad"

"We are mad" Judy crosses her arms "You hurt me too when you said that!"

"I'm sorry ok?!" I stand up and feel the tears falling "I've been trying to figure out how to tell her and when I did you both ruined it! I was going to have it where everyone could comfort her! Instead I became the enemy! I'm always the enemy! I have been for years! Ever..I'm going for a walk"

-Rachel pov-

I watch mom leave and turn to Judy "I am confused" Judy looks away with a frown "What did she stop saying?"

"You all haven't given us all of your backstory" Lucy looks at Judy "What happened?"

"A bad day" We turn to look at Maribel "A very bad day"

-19 years ago-Maribel pov-

"HEY JUDE!" I run down the hall to one of my best friends "Wanna skip?"

"It's the high school!" Judy looks around for a teacher "What if we get caught?!"

"We will be fine" I put my arm around Judy "Would I ever get you in trouble on purpose?"

"No" Judy sighs "What about Shelb?"

I look down the hall and see our other friend. I was gonna use her as a alibi but Judy wouldn't bite for that. Maybe a distraction instead....I can't do that to her though. I walk with Judy down the hall to Shelby.

"Hey" She turns to us and smiles "Wanna skip?"

"Uhhh" She looks hesitant but nods "Sure"

I smile and we sneak our way out the back. We start walking down the road laughing. We can't believe we really did this. It's so crazy to even imagine honestly. The good girls skipped a day!

"So" I look over at a nervous Judy "What next?"

I smirk and start walking a head "Follow me" I look over my shoulder "Unless you are scared?"

They share a look and I know they bit my hook. They run to catch up with me. This will be a good day.

-Time skip-

We are sitting outside a store drinking our malts. I smile as Judy gets some on her nose. I frown though when I see a police officer walking toward us. Think quick...think quick!

"Oh no my shoe" I look and see Shelby with her shoe stuck "Help me out!"

"Run" They both look at me confused "POLICE MAN RUN!" 

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