Pain P2!

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There you were been pulled off a pillar in the Tres Cifras area as you and Renji went there for patrol and you got pinned to the wall with some spikes a Hollow launched at you. It was humiliating as Captain Kuchiki stood with Renji shaking his head. it was a weak hollow and an easy to dodge attack so why were you unable to. well honestly you took the attack because they werent aiming for you, they were aiming for Renji and he knew the attack was meant for him

Kisuke was out so you were hanging out with Tessai at the store waiting for him to return until Tessai asked if you could go get a few items to finish dinner which wasnt unusual as Kisuke had apparently went to get them but obviously hadnt returned so you naturally left to get the stuff just to make sure they were got. on your way there you sensed something was off but just thought maybe it was just the weather as it looked it was gonna rain until you felt something peirce your stomach and you feel to the ground. unable to control the blood from coming out of your mouth you realised the Hollow you were ordered to kill never was killed as he disappeared and now you understood why you were cautioned he was dangerous. the last thing you saw before blacking out was the familure green of Kisuke

Hisagi & Kira
((shut up this is easy for me to pair them))
Y-N and your sister (Hisagi's GF) were out hanging out and catching up as it was near your birthday and the two of you just wanted some girls time. you chatted and traded stories until the two of you saw the familure fox like grin off Gin and some hollow like man you had never seen. HGF immediatly went into shinigami form and told you to run as it was not safe for you however neither of you were safe as Gin used his Zanpakuto and as your sister went to warn you she was shot with a Cero. You both were alive but the zanpakuto left a bad wound in your chest and the Cero burnt your sisters arm and some of her face. Luckily there were some other Shinigami's in the area who were doing patrol who found you both and took you to Urohana to be checked on

You went to take some painkillers as you an Isshin had  got swamped at the clinic. as you do you get distracted by Yuzu who had bought you down some coffee. you thanked her as you sat it down and popped the unlabeled pills out and swallowed them with some of your coffee. you start to go back to work. soon after you start to feel ill. something was wrong, you went to call for Isshin but passed out due to an unknown reaction between the caffeine and epinephrine that you had taken accidently.

It was only meant to be one night, one night away from you but instead Ryuken was sitting next to your unconscious body as you were in a car crash. You had gone out with Uryu to try and get to know the kid better as you and Ryuken's relationship was serious but instead as you two were returning from the Library to drop the books you two had gotten off and pick Ryuken then his partner up the two of you got in a t-boning accident. As the car at fault hit your side, you took most the damage but not enough to kill you as you had accidenly activated your powers to protect Uryu. Ryuken was so shocked when you and his son came in but he did all he could do for the moment 

You were bored waiting for him in his lab and picked up a random vial that was colorful. in your bored state you had decided to fuck around with a few different liquids like he normally did. in the end the liquid looked like water and smelled like nothing so you decided to put it on a burner to see if its gas would actually smell but as it turned into gas you started to feel light headed and felt blood drip from your nose. then you passed out as you had essentually made  knockout gas. When Szayelaporro returned he noticed something was off and ran to your side before realising what you had done and started to clean your mess up. As he did he also took your doll out of his pocket and started to heal you

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