After Math

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God when you woke up you wished you didnt. Ichigo started a screaming match with you.
"why the fuck DID YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE! I TOLD YOU IT WAS NOT SAFE!" Ichigo yelled and you yelled back "I WENT FOR A RUN! I'M sooo! SORRY that thats wrong!" you yelled back as Ichigo shock his head before storming out. two weeks went by, TWO WEEKS and Ichigo avoided you everyday, until Chad and Uryu made him go talk to you. Their partner's had been on their asses about him and it was annoying them. he had caused you more pain then the attack but in trying to make his friends happy he stood infront of the door to your shared apartment before knocking. When he saw you, in his favourite yellow dress, with a little paint on your cheek as you had started to paint the place due to the bland white it was before. Upon making eye contact with Ichigo you shift and shake your head "Neither Uryu or Chad are here" you explained and went to close the door but he stops you. "i made a mistake...i shouldnt have raised my voice at you...I love you and always have however when i saw you on that bed hurt i felt....scared id lose you and...I lashed out at you, im sorry and i understand you wont forgive me just because i say sorry but...will you...let me try? try again?" He asked and you shifted and shakes your head " screamed at me because i went on a run, yes i ignored you but you never gave me an update about whats going on, you shut me out and it hurt...i can't forgive you now..." After you explained that Ichigo gave a nod and told you to just be safe and if you wanted to chat to him he was a call away


Shunsui sat next to your bed for 8 days. unohana, Jushiro, even Jushiro's Partner tried to get him to leave your side but he didnt. he had to be there when you woke up, You had to wake up. After eight days Unohana entered and saw the barely conscious Shunsui, start to nod off, she knew he had been fighting sleep for at least 3 days. before she could turn to leave Shunsui stood up and looked at her "I know i know, go for a walk get food....Unohana i cant lose them...I know im neglecting everything...everyone but they are my world..." he confessed to her, as he looked at her, the difference between the two captains easily noted. Unohana wore her cape but Shunsui didnt, didnt even wear the pink Kimono. Unohana's Kimono well tied, Shunsui's? well it was as much of a mess as he emotionally was. Comforting him Unohana convinced him to go for a shower, and eat then come back which he did, even bringing some of his work back. this was an improvement that started small, one meal a day, a quick wash and some work, and as the weeks pass he leaves your side more and more until one day three months. Isane slammed the door open with a wide smiling, bringing Shunsui back to the room where you were slowly regaining consciousness.

Jushiro held you at 2 Am, a new thing you've started to do, randomly wake up at any random time when your nightmares get bad. each time Jushiro is there holding you however it makes the relationship a little strained as you started to shut yourself away from Jushiro and even (Shunsui's partner), your best friend who had not long finish recovery from the attack. Jushiro had been there for you, so often for you he had been there but you felt like you were nothing but a pain. Yet one day you were reminded of why you and Jushiro were so well together. Jushiro was holding your favourite flowers with a new herbal mixture he got from a kind old lady who lived in the town, she was known for making grand herbal tea's to help with any issue. He was explaining to you about what the tea should do and how it will help with your nightmares. "Yes so we will both have it now and we should have sleepful night." He explained and looks at you as you rubbed your red sleepless eyes.

After you ran away Byuakuya started to feel bad about raising his voice to you but he tried not to let it show as Rukia and Renji rushed in to inform him of your mysterious situation as you hadn't told them or anyone what actually happened. Before he could say anything Rukia put one and one together as she saw the cup and cookie discarded in the garden. Rukia then turned to him and slapped her brother before rushing back to your side to try and convince you to at least go see Isane of the books. it only took a few hours for Byuakuya to start missing you as you normally would relax in his office on break and talk about all sorts of thing however when 1.30pm came and passed and you werent there he stood from his desk and tried to keep his head held high. This lasted all of 37 hours. the next day as Issane was tending to a stitch that broke the door slammed open and there stood the raven haired male. Issane quickly stood up and walked out knowing the two of you would want time alone, and once she was gone Byuakuya was by your side, kneeling in front of you. there was silence between the two of you, you were scared he would lash out while he was silently trying to think of a way to apologise. just as you were gonna speak Byuakuya spoke up "Please, Please forgive me Y-N, i was an idiot. i knew you were going to be back with tea but I wanted to keep to my routine. i dont know why i raised my voice at you i was scared when i saw you hurt" as he kept going on about how he was sorry you gently rubbed his head and coo'd before leaning down and kissing him "Its ok cherry blossom i promise"

There you laid, on the ground, rain mixed with blood as Chad ran to your side, as he sat you up and tried to call an ambulance he frantically looked for a wound or anything but there was no wound. There had been blood as there was some on your shirt however he couldnt find a wound and in his confusion he hadnt heard Ichigo and his parnter rush over. Ichigo was on the phone with his dad as (Ichigo partner) was down with Chad trying to find any injuries. when neither of them could find a single wound Ichigo quickly nodded and hung up (Ichigo) "Hey come on grab her and bring her back to the clinic" Chad immediately grabbed you and went with them. When you arrived and after you were checked over it was revealed you were like Orihime but your spirits were in your bracelet and were invisible not that you knew

Ichigo's partner got there in a few minutes and once she saw you she called an ambulance and started to apply pressure to the wounds. once the ambulance arrived and you were loaded into the car with Ichigo's partner by your side your phone went off. Uryu was texting you like crazy as he and his father had been fighting about how much time Uryu was spending with you, he was apologising and promising to make it up but as you were unconscious Ichigo's partner responded the text made Uryu's blood go cold. Uryu turned on his heels from just by the park to running to the hospital, where he met up with Ichigo who was there for his partner. it took a few hours but when you regained consciousness and was allowed to have one visiter Uryu rushed in. you were attached to a blood bag and heart monitor to make sure you got the blood back you had lost, when he saw your state Uryu teared up and went to your side "I...Im so so sorry love had i been there i could have protected you, god i'm such an idiot for getting in a fight with my father, i left you alone and defenceless" as he said all this he took your hand and sobbed silently. "Uryu its can....can make it up to me wh-when i get out" You tried to reassure him as he stayed by your side

Kenpachi walked with you in his arms to his office where he sat down and held you to his chest until you had fallen asleep. once you were asleep he laid you down on a couch and wrapped you in his captain cloak before leaving Yachiru to keep an eye on you so he could go tend to his squad members. He was quite infuriated as all his squad members complained about how they cant have a female fighter in the squad and how itll make them look weak. Kenpachi stayed stoic and despite his outrageous urge to just kick his squads ass he stayed quite until the squad shuts up. As soon as they did he spoke "For the next two weeks. you lot will be doing a new routine, see how strong you punks are. Get ready for 4am wake ups, hour long runs and only two breaks a day! because if you lot cant do this then your weak" Kenpachi snapped and left before anyone could complain. for the next two weeks Kenpachi stayed by your side and gave you more attention where as the squad did your dayly routine. 4am wake up before a 5 minute cold shower and an hour long run. after that they would do 20 rounds of 5 minute training exercises, then they had an hour for breakfast before chores training and cleaning till 7pm where you would have dinner and relax for 45 minutes and then do another hour long run and then bath and go to bed before repeating the same thing the next day

Toshiro was going for a stroll when he came across the hole you were in and quickly came down to check on you. you had been in that hole for 8 hours at this point, in the middle of the day where it was quite hot and you couldnt move so you were sunburnt. Toshiro helped you up and out of the hole when Rangeku came back and pretended to be shocked, when Toshiro told her to help you up you flinched away from her not wanting her help at all. it didnt take even a minute for Toshiro to figure your flinch was because she was the reason you were in there. taking you back to the base he handed you over to some squad four members before tearing into his lieutenant about her actions and how it was awful she would leave someone in a hole.


Here we gos super sorry about the wait im trying to work on making each character at least have 200+ words per thing so there is more for you lot to read!

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