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How you met

How you meet Ikkaku? Well you were a replacement  captain of the 9th squad and rumours spread that you were a captain on Par with Kenpachi, which wasnt a complete lie but there was a huge difference between you and Kenpachi he was brutally strong, you were smart and skilled. anyway as you were walking through the hallways becoming accustomed to the pathways through your squad when you heard the bald stranger call out "Oi! Are you the new captain?" you turned around to come face to chest with a male. you looked up to see  the 5'11" third seat of the 11th Squad tower over your 5'0". as you looked up at him and him down at you he quickly shock his head "no thats not you" he said then walked off

Meet you again
Well that was simple the next day he stormed into your office as you worked through the piles and piles of paperwork. he then got to your desk and saw you sitting there looking at the paperwork in front of you,  now at this point you weren't really in the mood to talk due to there been a metric ton of paperwork so when he stormed in and ruined your stacks of paperwork you just...lost it you stood up and went to him before kicking him hard in his crouch before slamming him to the ground. he groaned and tried to get up but you had already cast a paralyzing Hado spell which meant he couldnt move. you then got off him and, while leaving him there, you went back to cleaning your room. You went back to paperwork and the silence was broken by him trying to make conversation which you did give him the grace of a conversation.

He realizes he loves you
After your second encounter he would rock up whenever you were in doing paperwork. now you didnt mind because it was nice but there were times you didnt want him around and he...oddly listened to you. one day he rocked up and saw you sleeping on your desk, after an all nighter to finish a lot of paperwork. he gently picked you up and sat you on the couch and wrapped you in a blanket. "you are to precious to be scary...can i risk another weakness" He mutters to himself as he fixes the last of the paperwork that was ready to be delivered


Three month had passed since the day you fell asleep at the desk and Ikkaku was avoiding you. you had the day off so you were sitting at the edge of the Sokyoku hill looking down taking in the beauty. as you sat you felt a presence behind you however you didnt mind as you knew the presence. "i thought you were avoiding me Ikkaku. frankly im surprised you could find me" you said as you kept looking down at the tree's. "Im sorry y-n i couldnt help it ive been...busy with stuff...hey can i-i ask you to close your eyes and hold your hands out"  he asks standing behind you as you hear a slight rustle of plastic. though you were hesitant you closed your eyes and stretched your arms out as he instructed. you then feel him place something on your hand whispers "ok dont freak out and open your eyes" you shrugged before opening your eyes which shows you a large bouquet of (Fav flower) with a small card in the middle that says 'You are my girlfriend'. seeing this you just giggled and stood up before kissing him and flash stepped off

How he kisses
well he doesnt kiss you often and your ok with it but god forbid someone flirts with you and he is around he will  kick there ass and kiss you roughly 

Get caught kissy kissy

well i mean he didnt do kissy kissy so you dont get caught


Your nickname for him - 'muscles'  
his nicknames for you- 'my captian'

Christmas 💖

You woke up on your couch having fallen asleep at your desk you sighed knowing that he wasnt gonna be there as he should have been on a mission with Yumi however to your suprise as you went to your room to get a towel so you could was you noticed a blue box on your bed. you shrugged and opened it up seeing a small ring. you put it on and went for a bath, when you came back there was another box, red this time, you opened it and it was a pocketwatch. you looked at it fishy but shrugged walking to your office once dressed. you walked into your room to notice a green box on your desk and a yellow one on your couch. all day you found little gifts and stuff. you went to your room at 11.30pm and you saw Ikkaku on the bed naked with a box on his lap.


You were very good at hidding a lot from Ikkaku however your period was very hard you were in constant pain and you were grumpy. Ikkaku found out after asking momo and as such he adapted quickly he left every single time you had your period he was out

Bitting This boy loves bitting, your neck arms legs thighs stomach chest. anywhere everywhere and boy do thing get heated when you bite him

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