Part threee! pain

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"No! NO! ILL DO WHATEVER AIZEN! Pleasee" was what you heard as Aizen dragged a small knife down your face leaving you with a blind eye and narly scar down your face. Aizen wanted Stark to be more fierce but Aizen believed you were a distraction so he made Starks options clear, either you die or he leaves you

You were training with ikkaku as he wanted to get better at his Bankai but when you turned to greet Shuhei when you heard the clang of Ikkaku's Banki been sent your way, as you went to deflect it, it still managed to injure your arm. it wasnt bad but the two boys rushed to your side as they could see your bone. 

Yumichika had found out about your occupation and was ok with it but told you to be careful. you were down in the chambers talking to a crazed ex-reaper and tried to reason with him that no one was gonna hurt him but he kept screaming about how something was after him. after about 4 hours of trying you got up and went to leave when the reaper went quite, so you turned around only to be met with the chair you had been sitting in slammed into your head. knocking you unconscious and had you not made plans with Yumichika that night no one would have found you as the reaper had tied you in his seat so no one knew he was gone. accept Yumichika knew your body shape as he had memorised it and freaked when you werent responding to him

You had gone for a walk when Grimmjow jumped you and started a fight, normally you were armed for the fight but you had left your sword with Ulquiorra as he wanted to add something to it and you didnt know how to fire a Cero so you were stuck having to duck and weave. there was no lasting injuries as most of them were scrapes but when Ulquiorra found you and him he nearly killed Grimmjow

Well you got mugged and god did you get hurt but been unable to go to a hospital you just went home. Grimmjow greeted you but did a double take as he saw your cut cheek, split lip and other injuries


Sorry this one isnt as long as the others but i have up coming characters to add!

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