part 2 <3

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You were resting today because you had injured yourself yesterday as you had to take on a hollow. he was watching over you as yorichi walked over  "You know Its obverse you like her Kisuke you should admit it, you do deserve a second chance" she said walking away "i know but im scared" he said to himself

Hisagi  and Kira

After the slaying of the army of Hollows you and Kira's Gf ran into Hisagi and Kira both of whom wanted a good explanation of what had happened and who you both were, which was when you revealed yourself to be a substitute shinigami and Kira's Gf to be your twin sister (SUCK IT UP) who had been by your side since childhood even though she had died at birth. after this encounter Kira started teaching Gf about the social society as she was an unregistered shinigami which is why they hadnt ever heard about you or her. Hisagi and you were practising simple Kido as which he thought would be helpful to you. as he taught you he realised that your long hair would blow in the wind almost like a goddess' would. you smiled as you had successfully fired a red-flame cannon, after you and Kira's Gf's name had gone home cause it was late Kira started to describe things about Gf he loved like her calm voice or her gentle smile. after he was done he asked Hisagi about You, "what do you love about Y-N, and dont deny you like her it is way to obverse that you like her" he said as hisagi sighed "she...Is just a person that everyone could fall in love with, no matter who or what" he said as they walked to there separate rooms.


you and Kaname had successfully completed the mission that Aizen ordered. you had become much more compliant with your blindness and your of course half-deafness. Today you were chasing after a pathetic hollow that tried to sneak into yoru room as he had heard of your blindness. you quickly realised that chasing after him was useless, you planted your feet and fired your cero at him distroying him with ease. Kaname had felt your spirit pressure was rushy before going to ease which he quickly rushed after you. he 'saw' you defeat the hollow using your cero. he smiled and watched you leave thinking to himself 'Holy crap she is i...falling in love with her?' he thinks with himself as he walked to where you were and seeing you gone 'Yes i am' 


You had moved into the kurosaki house as you got screwed over at your apartment. as you started helping over the house to thank Isshin for letting you stay, you would act somewhat like a mother to the kids. none of them hated you and Isshin watched you occasionly, today you were out of the house as your sister had a wedding today, you had to go because it was proper. Isshin walked over and asked Yuzu "Hey Yuzu what do you think of Y-n" he asked as Yuzu smiled "oh Y-N is a great lady why do you ask dad? are you gonna marry Y-N?" she asked extremely happy making Isshin blush "W-W-Well i dont know Yuzu" he said as yuzu smiles and finished cooking.


After you had properly healed  you would occasionally bring food to Ryuken as a way to say thank you though there were times you would leave it there but most the time you would eat either Lunch or dinner with him. Today was no different, i sat down as Ryuken ate his food, you smiled and finished eating your food. once he was finished you left and he was left alone. he muttered "she is so helpful...Would Uryu accept another mother in his life"


After a while Szayelaporro and you started to get to know each other outside of scientist and patient. today you were bored so you were hanging out in his room looking at all sorts of thing that he had in his room, little did you know Szayelaporro was watching you thinking to himself 'According to the books that i have read these emotions as they referring  to them is Love' he thinks as he walks over to you and grab your hips "AH! God damn it Sza!" you snapped at him as you two start joking around


You were running around after lillynett AGAIN because she stole your sword. unbeknownst to you Stark was watching you 'Why can she be happy, pure, smart and cute around everyone else but the moment i am around she becomes such a mess...Am i...that im not scary could it be my power that causes her fear. Maybe Szayelaporro could help me' he thinks as he watches her and Lillynett

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