After math 1+2!

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Stark held you after Aizen had ruined your left eye and carefully rocked you gently hushing you. "Shh shh ive got you Y-N, i know it hurts but i wont ever let Aizen ever touch you again and ill never aloud anyone harm you just relax baby relax" Stark soothed you gently as he picked you up and carried you to his room. he called Szayelaporro to at the very least stitched the wound up. You fell asleep as Szay drugged you up  to tend to the wound without you screaming. When you woke up you werent on a comfortable bed, you were on a red pillar in Las Noches as Stark had abandoned Aizen and that place for you.

Ikkaku was super apologetic and tried everything in his powers to make up for the wound. Even three months later when all that was left of that injury was a large scar on your lower right arm. you thought it was cool and tried to keep Ikkaku calm about it, pointing out it was quite similar to his scar's so you two were now matching. 

When you woke up in Yumichika's arm as he was rushing you to squad four, as he carried you you noticed how your arm hurt. It hurt badly, as you tried to raise it you heard Yumichika snap 
"Dont look! its broken thats all you need to know! Now just stay still in my arms. i promise your safe"  You could hear the fear in his voice as he slammed the door open with his foot. Isane and a new member of the fourth squad both rushed to take you from Yumichika and care for you. the crazy shinigami had shattered your hand in anger. Yumichika had gone after the Shinigami and violently killed the man as he hated to see you like that. that happened four weeks ago, now you are back to how life was normally, well except "Yumichika i swear to fuck i can carry them! its a file, its not like im trying to carry fucking China!"

When you got your sword back you adored it, he had found a small human charm that had a (Favourite animal) attached and wanted to add it to your sword as a birthday gift. Ulquiorra carried you everywhere for two days, stayed by your side for every second of every day for two weeks and well, given you didnt see Grimmjow for two months lets not ask what happened to the poor kitty

Unsure of what really to do the poor kitty was silently freaking out as he picked you up and sat you on the couch. Rushing to the bathroom, Grimmjow turned the water on to wash you after he carefully carried you to the tub.


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