He realises he loves you

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He always enjoyed watching you mess around and your adventurous Nature. you were messing around like always in the mud because hit had been raining during class, as you messed around and got muddy he felt his face fluster. thinking to himself 'do i really want to risk wreaking our friendship' his thoughts were cut off when you threw mud at him "You paying any attention strawberry head?" You teased as he ran after you  

Shunsui and Jushiro 

you and Jushiro's Gf were hanging out with Jushiro and Shunsui. there was 3 empty bottles of sake and You were bearly consious though Jushiro's GF was out cause she was a weak drinker. an hour or two later Jushiro and shunsui were chatting outside "So you and Y-N? are you two together" Jushiro asked as he sighs "I...No we are not together but i do really love her, i just dont know if i deserve a second chance..." he mutters before turning it back on Jushiro "what about you and Jushiro's GF" He laughed when Jushiro turned red "G-Gah! come on Shunsui!" he sighed as they see the sun rise


You and Rukia and Renji were chatting "Come on Y-n! you have to have a crush on someone" Rukia said as you shock your head with small blush on your face. Rukia and renji were partly drunk in casually formal clothes. you stood up to leave before the convinced you to get drunk you accidently ran into Byuakuya "Ow! watch it oh uh hi Byuakuya im sorry" You said rushing away. he watched you left and thought to himself 'Moving on may hurt but Y-N's attitude makes her so cute' he walked into the bar seeing the drunk Rukia and Renji

 he watched you left and thought to himself 'Moving on may hurt but Y-N's attitude makes her so cute' he walked into the bar seeing the drunk Rukia and Renji

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You and Chad were out on a walk. you were rambling on about soccer, though he was listening he was also thinking 'The way her eyes shine when she talks about what she loves. it makes me want to protect her more' he thought as you both got to your house "See ya chad" You said leaving him alone 


Uryu and you were at a cafe talking about a book you both read recently, you had just excused yourself to go to the bathroom leaving uryu alone with his thoughts 'she is so pure and perfect...I wonder if she would date me...WHOA Uryu chill out she is your best friend you cant have feelings for her...can you?


You had delivered the paperwork then walked to the training ground. Upon getting there you drew your sword and block an attack from Kenpachi  he flashstepped away "Nice block Jason" he said as you looked at him. you two got into a fight and after it was done you left to get the few injuries looked at. once you left Kenpachi muttered to himself "could it be possible for me to love?" he asked himself smiling


He just chatted with Rangeku who told him he was obversly crushing hard on you


He and Rukia were chatting when you walked past. waving at him as you walked past he turned red waving back. "Ohh ive never seen you this red before Renji" she said as he quickly says "its just hot! gotta go" he ran away before stopping 'I really do like her dont i' he thought

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