There is a rumour/ you learn a secret

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You sat in Ichigo's room on his bed, re-reading the message Orihime, she had sent a message to you and God it hurt you. It had only been two weeks since you two had gotten a little more serious again after your fight when you got a message. 'Do you really think that Ichigo isn't yours? Hate to burst your bubble but he is mine since you two broke up'. As you closed your phone and threw it across the room shattering it. Hearing the noise Karen popped upstairs to check in you as Ichigo told her you were sensitive from an attack. Checking on it she saw you sobbing your eyes out, Karen listened to you as you balled your eyes out telling her how you knew it was true and how he didnt love you as much as he used to. Karen listened and once you were over sobbing she slapped you and set you straight "My brother has always loved you and loves you even more now, Orihime has been trying to take your place for a while now but my brother won't let her because he loves you. He is out now getting you flowers and chocolates because today is the one year anniversary together and he has all sorts of stuff ready for you." As Karen finished the door slams open as Ichigo holds Y-F-F and chocolate, he was panting indicating he had been running. before he could say anything you rushed over and hugged him, Karen motioning to your phone which ticked him off something happened

Nano showed you the photo's that showed your boyfriend, Shunsui, someone who you thought you could trust making out with another women. You felt betrayed as you stared at the photo for a few minutes before you stood and left the room, trying not to think about the photo. As you walked through the halls down towards your room when you see Jushiro chatting with Shunsui. the way he smiled hurt you thinking about how he would kiss another girl. "OH! Hey Shunsui, look its Y-N". As you hear his name leave jushiro's mouth caused you to quickly run away unable to think about anything except the kiss. Following you Shunsui rushes after you as he had never seen you run away from him. once he caught up to you, Shunsui would try to pin you to the wall to see what was up with you. a few words between the two of you turned into a heated argument, which turned into you sobbing into Shunsui's arms and questioning about why he would do that. "Y-N, My dear, my cutie, my....My need to understand! you need to understand, that photo is old...very old...A women i loved years ago, hell i dont even remember her name...because all i can think about is you..." 

It hurt you. so much as you laid in your bed, it felt so cold without him but as you laid there, the memories of That day would repeat in your head. Jushiro begged you to listen but as you walked into his hospital room to check on him and to see a women on top of him, one of your friends from squad 4. kissing the man you love, while he held her hips. you were destroyed as you recalled how those same hands had been holding your hips. As you went to wash your face you saw the familiar white hair of the man you loved. "Listen dear! before you scream at me, before you tell me to leave...which i will. just...listen. I promise you, when you walked in, i had only just woken up from a sleep and i had thought it was you...though now that im awake and everything i know that is wouldn't get on top of me when im ill...but i was high on pain killers and was waking up...when i realised it wasnt you i shoved her off me and i did try to follow you..." As Jushiro spoke you felt conflicted about what to do, he wouldn't lie to you would he? but at the same time, what if he was? As you stood there lost in your anxious Jushiro would just hold you, he knew how bad it could get when you started to over think things, so he would hold you and when you would relax a little, he carried you to his office before laying down snuggling with you 

Byuakuya had been spending more and more time in his office and as he did, he would also grow more irritated with you coming by. to begin with it was just a small comment here or there but after a few days he would just flat out tell you to leave him alone. Going to Rukia as you two sat down you would pour your heart out about how you felt he was shutting you out which reminded you so much of the start of the relationship. "Y-N I dont understand, you know why he is like that...We all know about you and Kira." As Rukia spoke you would look at her in disgust, "Kira, as in...Izuru, my adoptive brother!" You snapped at her and stood up, to which Rukia shrugs and you storm out of the room. Going to Byuakuya's office you found him chatting to Kira. Walking up to the two you would put your hands on your hips and look at Byuakuya "Byuakuya, got something to ask Kira? Maybe if you believe he is fucking me? His sister?" You snap at him as Kira made a face at you "N-N what do you mean?" As Kira asked Byuakuya would gulp and quickly tries to escape angry Y-N. Understanding very quickly  Kira would leave so you could lecture Byuakuya about believing some stupid rumour and why wouldnt he confront you

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