(Part 2)

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((Sorry I had to split it and will most likely do this for all of them))


You had been sent on a mission to the real world but during that you had gotten badly injured, deadly injured. when you woke up well first you were shocked that you woke up but you were also shocked at what you saw. A blond haired guy in a green and black kimono and a green and white hat. You stare at him and he watches you, "Dont worry, im an ally of the soul society" he said standing up "My name is Kisuke and you need to rest so rest your safe here Y-N" he says standing up and walking out leaving you confused about how he knows your name


You were a human who could see hollows and spirts, though you could see them you never really thought anything off them so you ignored them. Today was normal or so you thought, finishing school you walked home listening to your music you sighed "man if i had a guy who could play the guitar and was cool i would be head over heals with him" you said before you hear a loud growl and was thrown into a wall by a large creature with a white mask like face and a hole in its chest. groaning you sit up to see a two men in black kimonos and the monster gone. the one with blond hair said "Is she alive? huh Hey girl can you see us" he asks walking over as fear painted your face as you stand "T-That thing nearly killed me!" you looked at your ripped shirt "You can see us? Huh that odd" The black haired male said as he looks at her "YES I CAN SEE YOU! Ah," You realized your shirt was badly ripped and you were so embarrassed  you ran home.


You and your two friends were espada. you were half blind and deaf because 2 months ago grimgow had shot a cero at you though you healed you couldnt heal you sight and hearing. You walked through the hallway and ran into a darker skinned male "oi watch it!" You snapped at him as he looked? at you. Instead of answering you he just walked off "he...was uh" you walked away.




You were a nurse who had been kicked out of your sisters clinic because you had accidently caused a death with a mix up of pills. Today you were out to see if you could find a job as a nurse or something. as you walked you found a clinic called Kurosaki clinic. you sighed and walked in looking around only to see two small girls working. walking to the black haired one you asked "Um excuse me little miss, might i be able to see the owner or the person who runs the clinic" You ask bending down and she looks at you "Why do you wanna meet dad?" She asked as a man walked out "Oh and who is thi....Y-N!" he yelled as you giggle "hey Isshin, its been a while hasnt it" You ask as the two kids walk upstairs "I havent seen you in years, not since...Anyway why are you here?" He asks as you look at him "I recently got fired from my sisters clinic and i need a job, could i...start working here?" You asked as he smiles "Oh sure! and if you need to im sure we have a spair room!" he said and you laugh "ill see you later Isshin" You said leaving


You were a Quincy who never used her power unless you were protecting the Raifu kurosu ((Life cross)) that you were given by your mother who was the Quincy queen. Today you had to fight an overly powerful hollow, you got injured and you made your way to the hospital knowing that there was a Quincy that worked there. walking in you were greeted with a white hair male who had quincy crosses on his tie. He sighs and patches you up in his office. once he had done he told you to see him again tommorow and every day until you were healed


You were a friend of Kaname's Gf and Stark's Gf. You would always have problems with your mask as it engulfed your entire arm. Aizen had told you to go to Szayelporro and have him take a look at your arm. once you arrived you saw his room/place was full with all sorts of crazy scientest stuff. going to walk out you ran into a pink-haired espada "Ah i am guessing you must be Y-N. Aizen told me you would be visiting, and I think i know what you need for your arm. though you will have to have it injected every day so come back and visit" he said as he injected a needle in your masked wrist. once you had left you felt your hand move and you were shocked. "it work?!" you asked in shock


how you met stark? One word Lylinett

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