second part

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Everyday kisuke would bring you food and help you bath though it would end up with his ass kicked out. Today was different however, he had recently told you, that you could walk around as your wound wasn't as bad as before but it did hurt occasionally. you out with Tessai in a human body shopping. however you forgot that there was a hollow trying to kill you and as you and Tessai get back to the shop there is a sudden explosion which would have sent you flying if not for tessai protecting you. You wanted to fight but you couldnt, not only for your wound but because the hollow was gone and Kisuke wanders over "Ah your back great!" he said and you walked inside somewhat scared

Hisagi and Kira (first meet)

Today you were walking to a bunch of graves that surrounded a tree. you sat on the swing that hung from a strong branch. you smiled and looked out at the field that had flowers blow another girl walks over "Are you sure that it will be here Y-N?" She asks as she looks out at the field "Please trust me on this (kiras GF name) These hollows will come here for these spirits" You said looking at her as she transforms into a Shinigami "If your positive" she said as kira and Hisagi watch both in shock as 40 hollows come out and Kira's Gf slays them with ease. 


You were walking to the throne room as you were summoned by Aizen. You walked into the room and kneeled in front of him Gin and Kaname. Aizen smiled "stand up Y-N i want you and Kaname to go to the human world and for him to teach you how to use your half - deafness and your complete blindness to your advantages" he said and you not standing up. "Kaname, Y-N you are both dismissed please be gone by mid-day tomorrow" he said as you and kaname left.


Today was the first day you were to work at Isshin's clinic. you walked in seeing Isshin's and the two young girls, you walked over and been the tease you could be you blow in his ear which makes him jump "gah! oh gosh Y-N please dont do that" he said as you laugh replieing "im sorry Isshin i couldnt help it" you replied as you look at the two girls. you waves and smiled "you two must be Karin and Yuzu it is truely a pleasure to meet you both" you said and Isshin nods "yea, Yuzu, Karin this is Y-N she is an old friend of mine and your mothers and she is now gonna work with us" he said. The day was pretty easy and you left for home


You had formally introduced yourself to Ryuken the second day. "my name is Y-N and i do apologize about randomly showing up um" he looked at you from the paper he was looking at "Huh? Oh dont worry Y-N its our job as Quincies to protect you our queen" he said as he left 


Ok so you were too scared to go back the second day so you did everything to hide away from him even running from his Arrancar. it was night time as you walked into your room so you can sleep only to see Szayelaporro sitting on your bed. "Oh hi Y-N you were busy all day so i thought i would wait here so i can give you your shot" he said walking over with a just calm smile on. "U-Uh S-S-Szayelaporro i-i um" You mutter as he looks at you "done. yes?" You looked at your arm shocked "Thanks?" You asked confused as he left 


You had first met after chasing Lylinette and guess what you were doing today? trying to beat her ass, she snuck into your room and stole your candy. turning the corner you ran into Stark "Ugh god damn go away Grim...mjow...Hi Stark" you gulped as he looks down at you he goes to say something but your already gone thinking to yourself 'God just been in his pressence is shitty for me' 

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