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"That's right love just like that, lift your hips a little higher and the thrust will feel a lot better" Jushiro explained to you as he helped you ride his cock. Unsure of yourself you would listen and go a little further up before slipping back down on his 8 inches of pure glory which caused you to squeeze down on him and bite hard on the lollipop that had gotten you in this position.
As you walked into Jushiro's office you would look around a little confused before shrugging and sitting the new personnel files on his desk yet before you could walk away you would notice a new basket of candy, with Shunsui's signature on the card with a silly 'Good Luck' on it which confused you but you didn't think anything about it because it was Shunsui and he gave all kinds of gifts to your boyfriend. Pulling out a lollipop you would sit it in your mouth before sitting down on his seat waiting for your boyfriend as you couldn't really leave until you had his approval on these files. about 10 minutes and 1/4th of the lollipop was already dissolved you would watch the door open and the moment Jushiro saw you he smiled, walking to your side as he hadn't seen you in a few days but when he saw the lollipop he would quickly grab the stick and yank it out of your mouth
"Y-N! How many of these did you have!?" Shocked by his words you would gasp and shrug before raising a finger and pointing to the one he had taken from your mouth worried that you upset him.
"J-Just that one...why?" You questioned when Jushiro sighed and grabbed the basket and threw it into the trash bin before looking at the lollipop that had just been in your mouth.
"Y-N, this was a gag gift from Shunsui, they are laced with aphrodisiacs" When Jushiro told you that you linked that to the oddly sweet taste of the lollipop but giggled and stood up
"Oh come on, it's Shunsui, he wouldn't do that...anyway about these files" You changed the subject and went about your day until you got back to your shared room and sighed. You didn't want to admit it but the lollipop had been laced and for half the afternoon you had been dealing with an intolerable heat in your lower regions but you didn't do anything about it as you had work to do but now that you were in the privacy of your own room you quickly went to work pleasing yourself knowing that Jushiro was never this early back to your room and you couldn't wait. Except, he was and when Jushiro walked into your bedroom, one hand in your underwear and the other rubbing your nipples while you moaned his name, it was like a switch triggered in your normally gentle boyfriend.
___Flashback end___
After you left Jushiro had eaten the rest of the lollipop believing you were right about Shunsui not going through with the aphrodisiac but when it hit him he was stuck at his desk until he walked in on you. Your third round was when you started to ride him but you were slow and inexperienced with this position so you were not very fast which was very bad for both of you and after a few more attempts to ride him, Jushiro flipped the two of you over so you were the one laying down before he slammed full cock into you and whispered in you ear, a deep gravelly voice compared to his sweet normal one.
"You know I'm starting to get jealous of that lollipop taking your sweet mouth up and stopping my good puppy from moaning their lungs out" as he spoke, Jushiro would pull the lollipop out and throw it in some random direction before capturing your mouth with a strong passionate kiss as he came in the depths of you, the condom he wore breaking so you felt it spill inside you. Gasping at the sudden sensation of his cum you would go to say something only for him to thrust in you again bringing you closer and closer to your 5th orgasm.


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