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He had abandoned you in the soul society because when he realised you were on your period. however Soifon wasnt letting him get away. as you had time off stored away for a special occasion (maybe a future sceanario) she sent you to 'spend time with your boo' in her words. now normally you would question this but you didnt care. you spent your entire time there yelling at him that he was lazy and he needed to clean tf up

NOPE! Hisagi was out of there so fucking fast when you told him you were on your period though it slightly annoyed you you just let it go

You never told kira you were on your period but you were getting really jealous of Rangeku because he was spending all the time with him. The second day of your period you avoided him all day until night when he ran into your room. Knowing you were trapped you tried to pretend to sleep until you got abdominal cramps when you sat up and grabbed your pills taking them. Seeing this Kira laughed and sat on your bed staying quite. for the rest of the time Kira 'Protected' you from anything that would hurt or make you uncomfortable 

you and her are both medical and adults. Plus under a lot of stress you dont have your period 

Well like father like son at first he was confused till he remebered your a women then he treated you to anything you wanted because you were in insane pain


Fucking all the drugs! He wasnt dealing with your period either you were drugged or he had to be somewhere


Uhh you slept, he rubbed you a bit and such Ehh it was nice, after the period you rewarded him. 
You let him sleep on you! (bad minded people)

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