confession 2

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Kisuke was lazying around as you walked up and jumping on his lap "Hi dude" You said as he grunts "hey Y-N. you have a break" he asked and you nod. You had spent the 6 day breaks you would get ever 6 months in the human world. Kisuke smiled "Y-N" he said going to confess to you but Yorichi walks over "Oh hey Y-N Kisuke i need to take her to meet this wonderful new shinigami" she said as he got Jelious because she was bragging about how hot he was so as you stand up he pulls you down and kisses you muttering "Piss off Yourichi we are busy" he kept up kissing you. once she was gone he pulled away as you say "Im guessing you really like me. well i like you to"

Hisagi and Kira ((I know i pair these two up but it is easy so I dont care))

Kira and Hisagi had been drinking with You and Kira's Gf because it was your birthday, of course you 4 werent alone as Rangeku was with you as you went around the table playing truth or dare "Ok Kira and Hisagi imma go get this thing ill be back" she said winking at them. Kira and hisagi both in unison say "We really Like you Y-N/Kira Gf Name please go out with us" They said and the two sorta drunk girls laugh saying "we love you" you and your sister said in unison

You and kaname were on duty. He would occasionally ask you to describe the sights. You did it with skills and today was no different "Y-N tell me what you see...what the world looks like" he asked you and you smiled "The feild is a Mesmerizing Multicolored Pollinated Glorious Gorgeous field of a rainbow colors and ---MMm!" while you were caught up describing the field kaname had gotten the courage to kiss you. He said "Please dont hate me Y-N because i really love you" he said and you nod "I-I like you to Kaname"


  Isshin didnt rock up to work which was odd however you didnt think anything about it until you went into your room where there was on your desk a note in Isshin's writting that says 'I fell in love with two women. one is dead, would you Y-N the second women date me' you blushed and felt someone behind you ask "Well? Would you?" you turn around to see Yuzu "Yes Yuzu i would date your father because i also fell in love with him" you said as she ran out of the room 


Ryuken and you were walking to his house as it was late and you knew it was better than trying to get across town. As you and he walked you were both attacked by the same hollow who put you in hospital the first time. You were sent flying as you heard on the brink of darkness Ryuken state "Dont you dare touch her!" As well as his voice closer "I've got you Y-N dont freat...please dont die" When you woke up you were in a bed by your side was a sleeping Ryuken who was hugging you protectively.


  Szayelaporro  had made one of his Arrancar's give you a card, flower and chocolate  and inside the card it said 'We are now dating' It made you laugh 


Lillynett told you Stark liked you and trapped you both in a closert till he confessed making you laugh

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