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Today he would do it. Today he would confess his feelings to you! He walked over to you as you explained to Rukia what it was like at your family house. "yea and there was a huge tree in the backyard! I was the only sibling who could climb it! IT WAS AWESOME!" you raised your voice accidentally as she nods before realizing Ichigo was behind you "Oh hey Ichigo," she said and you waved at him "hey uh Y-N can I chat with you in privet," he asked and you nod. "Sure! talk to you later Rukia" you both walked up to the roof "Um Y-N Listen this is kinda embarrassing. but I made myself a promise I would do this" he said as you looked over to him "Yea Ichi what's up" you ask as he turns red "I...really wanted to tell you I..." he gulps as he says really fast "Ireallyreallylikeyou!" he said as you turn red and you laugh. " I really like you to Ichi" you replied and walked off


You woke up after the other night with a hangover you thought you would wake in the room however you woke up in shunsui's room. you only knew because he was sitting on the porch sipping on sake I think "Morning Y-N you feel sick?" he askes as you crawl out of bed "I'm ok sir. sorry, ill go to my room" You go to leave however he stops you hugging you "Y-N...Please listen to me, before you leave" he mutters making you blush. he kisses your forehead and mutters "Y-N I love you would you please be my girlfriend" He asked as you look at him smiling "Awe Captain kyōraku your drunk" you say before you realized what he was drinking wasn't sake but Tea, as his breath smells like herbs "I'm only drunk on love for you" he said and you roll your eyes "wow your clingy Shunsui" you laugh and smiles "I guess I can be your girlfriend" You say as he smiles "Yay!" he picks you up taking you to his office


You and Jushiro were chatting after last night's drink. he smiles as you took your pills. he smiled as you inform him about how you met (Shunsuis Gf name) "Y-N may i ask something" he asked as you nod "Yes Captain. What might you need to know" you asked and smiled "Y-N i was dont have a boyfriend...i was wondering if you...would give me a chance could we date" he asked as you blush "W-Wow straight to the point sounds like a good idea sure" you smiled as he kisses your forehead


You were rushing away from Renji as you had teased him. You ran into Byuakuya and nearly feel down however he grabbed your waits keeping you standing "oh uh h-h-h-hey um C-Captain Kuchiki im sorry for running into you" You said bowing. before you realise he had picked you up and flash-stepped you to his office. He sat you on the couch before closing his door and sits down across from you. you look at him as you notice he has a small blush on his face "Y-N listen...I...have been thinking recently and i wanted to tell you" he looks at you as you look at him confused "you've been thinking? Sir what do you mean" you asked as he stood up and you follow suite. he walked over and hugged you, however his hugging you wasnt all he did, he kissed you and muttered "i love you" he said and you blushed muttering back " you to captain"


Today was a special day! it was your birthday! however instead of celebrating it you didnt do anything new. well accept Ichigos Gf who had made pancakes for breakfast. you and chad were at a cafe eating cake and drinking coffee "thanks again chad this means a lot" you said as he smiles "Its Y-N i actually wanted to ask you something...You see...I...really like you and was wondering if you wanna be my girlfriend" he asked as you blush "S-S-Sure. that sounds nice" you replied 


He sent you a text and you sent a text back SO YEA


You and Kenpachi fought every week at least once. after a while you asked how he found out you were a girl and he explained that yachiru had walked into your room while you changed. Today was your normal fighting day however you werent in the mood so you were meditating. you felt and heard kenpachi walk up behind you as you keep meditating "Not in the mood right now sorry" you mutter as he sat next to you nodding. "i understand. Y-N may i ask, Why do you pretend to me your dead brother" He asked as you look at him "That is something only those close to me know" you replied as he pulls you onto his lap "then let me get close to you please" He ask as you smile "Kenpachi if your asking me out...Then sure ill go out" you replied


Momo was drunk...She locked you in a closet with him and he confessed 


Today was the day you confessed to Renji! (( ;) ))however you didnt know he was gonna confess to you to. you were both at the training ground where you both trained. you both stood there and said at the same time "I REALLY LOVE YOU Y-N/RENJI PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME" you both looked at each other and laughed 

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