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You and Ichigo were out shopping and he went to answer a phone call and came back to see you gone. he looked around and got a text from you. Ichigo I love you ...can you get me some tampods He turned red and got you the tampons hoping no one he knew see's. Once he got the tampons to you and you had changed he sighed as you kissed him "Thank you my brave knight"You both laughed


You and Jushiro had a close relationship as you werent always on his back like the screaming idiots. You had been a little moody with Shunsui because it was period time. You didnt want him to touch you because you hurt. Jushiro knew this and he thought Shunsui knew too so when Shunsui walked into Jushiro's office to see him rubbing your abdomen. "Oh hi Shunsui" Jushiro waved at him as he raised his eyebrow. He was confused as you mutter "Shunsui could you pass me the diclofenac" he nods and picks up the killers and passes them to you. he looked at you and you sighed "Period. i hate people touching me..."you heard him laugh and walk off. he felt better knowing that nothing was wrong


Just like he did for Shunsui's GF he did for you plus sooo much candy and Snuggles


You had been avoiding him the entire time because when you were on your period you were really anxious on your period. it was the third day of been on your period and you woke up to Byuakuya sitting on your bed waiting. You sat up and grabbed the blanket covering yourself though you were in your nightie. He stared at you then asked "Did i do something wrong cherry blossom? Please tell me if i did something wrong." he said as he placed a hand on your cheek. You teared up and exploded "Im sorry Byuakuya im such a useless girlfriend!" When you exploded Byuakuya smiled and hugged you whispering in your hair "no your not babe and please tell me when your on your time again. you scared me"


Chad had known that your period was coming yet he expected a storm!! yet he got a small sprinkle. On your period your just a Shy little cinnamon roll and he found you cuter then before even when you asked him to go tampon shopping.


Belive it or not Uryu wasnt awear of what was going on when you woke up in a fouler mood and would snap at him. he went through what he had done wrong recently and couldnt think of anything he had done so he called his father to ask. Once Uryu knew what was wrong he walked over to you, you were sleeping so Uryu left the house. When you woke up you smelt a wonderfully delicious oder. You walked into the kitchen and saw he was baking and you walked closer when you got to behind him he turned around and put a cookie in your mouth. you were surprised but ate it and swollowed "Yummy" you said as he pet your head. The entire week was a similar thing happening


You took the pill so you didnt get it
((If you want me to do an Entire Chapter of this one sceanario i shall. just ask))


Toshiro was confused when he walked in on you crying. When he asked what was going on you explained that you felt he didnt love you because he spent more time with rangeku. "Your on your period" his words caused you to cry more as he started to calm you down. 


You stayed away from Renji after you explained to him you didnt want to be around him because you didnt want him around you because you were really bad on your period

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