Kink and how you found out!

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Well...I dont know Just enjoy


Foot fetish. Well you found out when he came over and you were complaining about pain after you and Chad's GF had gone on a hick and they HURT so you got him to massage him then your foot met a mountain in his pants and he was really casual about it. i mean you didnt complain and every now and again you would get him to massage your feet just to make him happy or to tease him


Katoptronophilia. Well sorta. This man loves you and to a high extent you are his kink but one time you two were messing around and enjoying yourself in the bathroom and in front of the mirror, you didnt know why but he liked it and tries to do it in front of mirror's all the time till he explained that he loved seeing your full face and expressions in the mirror plus you were tighter at that point


Collaring. Jushiro is very possessive of you and one day you joked that if he kept getting jealous he should just get you a collar. you joked but the next day he handed you a collar and when you put it on, you noticed his friend came up to say hello. though you rarely took it off you kept it hidden unless you wanted to tease him, then you wore it proudly and the leash thing is just in bed


Acarophilia, This man loves been scratched. He just flat out told you while you were a blushing mess for the rest of the day. He, though is very cautious when he does, every now and again asks you to sit on his lap and scratches his back and you normally do unless you tease him (you are horny) and scratch his chest


Body worship, one day you were feeling bad about your body image and complaining about it to chad worshiping his body and while you were doing this his friend came to say hi. You knew he wouldnt admit it but you were fine with it because when you worshipped his body he tended to do something similar or the same very soon after. you loved it and when felt bad you would worship him **** then he would worship you


This presious boy Is a Vanilla 


Femdom, Yes Kenpachi was an insainly submissive guy in the bedroom. He told you about it one time when you were Meditating and you were taken back thinking he was joking you laughed then went "Ohh...Your serious?". Ya know maybe you shouldnt tease him that much about it when your in public...Ah well its fun to watch him beg 


Masterbation, Toshiro was away on a long trip and came back to you masterbating on his bed. He enjoyed it a lot! he set up a camera in your room and denied you sex for a week then snuck in and took it back, he would do this for a while and you caught him one day, you didnt mind and to tease him you would whisper to him that you were gonna enjoy yourself while he was stuck doing paperwork. 


Bondage, Renji was really straight forward about this soo yea 

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