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First meeting
You were a human who was caught up in an old abandoned building during a human world fight between Aizan and the soul reapers. Grimmjow was just walking through and accidently ran into you. You were scared but he opened a large trash bin and threw you inside before looking back at someone and addressing them.

Second meeting
About an hour later you peak your head out of the bin. To see the male who helped you sitting against a wall, bleeding from a side wound. You saw no one else around so you gently wrapped your jacket around the wound and then helped him up before slowly carrying him to your place. Once you were back he was starting to wake up so you introduced yourself 'Hi it's good to see you awake. I'm Y-N and yyour safe here at my house' you explained as he simply gave a huffed 'Grimmjow'

He realises he loves you
Two days later later you were in the kitchen cooking dinner for yourself and Grimmjow while he was in the lounge room. Aizian arrived and told Grimmjow why he was still here just kill her but jumping up Grimmjow defended you and let it slip 'I've been watching her before and I would never do it!' Which caused Aizain to leave


There he was. Standing in your living room and silently panicking as you passed out from a fever. It was two weeks since Grimmjow had become your room mate in a weird way and you had just passed out because you had been out in the rain a few days ago and in a panic Grimmjow started to tend to you. For the next three days he was caring for you and as third  day come to and end and you were in pretty good health Grimmjow walks over and sits on the edge of the bed admitting "I've had to look and read so much about humans in the last three days to cate for you so don't get sick again...Yn"

How they kiss

Roughly. Very roughly however due to this fact often you end up having painful hips and ass

Getting caught

There you stood in the sandy world of Las Noches with Grimmjow,  slowly walking to his room. As you were new in this world he tried to explain everything to you but soon you and him got distracted. By what? Each other. You had specifically worn his favourite lipstick, which was blue and he honestly wanted to mess it up and you weren't gonna complain. So anyway halfway through your make out just as you were about to start getting frisky you both heard a voice causing you to pull away and Grimmjow to growl. It was a strange guy with a large grin that freaked you out. But as soon as he was there he had gone and you no longer felt in the mood.


Your for hin: bebe
His for you: Kitty


You were back in the human world as you had family and friends to celebrate with and half way through lunch there was a knock and you opened it to see Grimmjow properly dressed with roses a gift and the slightly Familure Aizan by his side. You let them in, in turn joining lunch and when your family left Grimmjow explained Aizan needed to stay here for a few days as he is scouting something out But You didn't mind.


Nope! You didn't have it due to medical issues which was great cause if you had it you were screwed


Hair pulling. Well it's more your kink but god did he love it when he yank your hair and the way you tighten on him/ the face you make


Ok ok ok IM SORRY FOR THE WAIT!!! I didn't mean to make you wait but life has been killing me slowly. Anyway I'll be making the spicey on my other book then switching around

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