Meet him again

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Today was you Uryu's gf and Chads Gf's first day at school, thank the lord that you three were all in the same class. However that didnt help all three of you get to the classroom. Once you all finally got to your classroom and introduced yourself you got paired up with three different people. After class you walked over to the orange head guy. once he looks up at you he stands up"Y-N? Hey again" he said as you realize it was Ichigo from the day before "Hey Ichigo!" You said as he stood up and showed you around the school


Today you were running around after Jushiro and Shunsui because Nano was taking a week off. You could understand why she needed time off however you were unaware that Jushiro had told Shunsui you would take care of all the paperwork as they had left. You had finally finished all the delivery for the paperwork as you walked to division 8 to check over the paperwork you left in there 4 hours ago but to your shock when you entered wasnt a pile of unfinished work but was shunsui sitting at the table finishing the paperwork "Oh hi Y-N" He stands up and walks over "Sir? I thought you were out with Captain Ukitake" you said as  you stepped back "I heard you were taking care of all the work by yourself" He smiled and waved you off "go and have a break" 


You were been yelled at by the loud Idiots as you wonder the hallways because Shunsuis Gf name wanted you to figure out where her captain was because she was running around with paperwork. You walked to the calmest place in the soul society to get away as you notice a sleeping figure by a tree. You walked over quietly as you noticed a sleeping jushiro. You knew that this would be the only free time he got from the Idiots so you let him sleep.


Today you and Rukia were on patrol and were chatting "Yea i am sorry about that i wanted to tell you but i was basically pulled away with Renji" She explained as you both walk around in the air "nah its all good Rukia besides i didnt hang around long because your brother seemed way to scary" you said before you stop feeling byuakuya's prescience behind you, you gulps as you look at him. His word's were cold as he said "You are both dismissed" he said as you nod "Y-Yes l-l-l-l-lets go Rukia" You said as you both left


You had been paired up with chad but didnt really care to stay with someone who was slow. you had a free period last with chad but you didnt know as you start to leave the school you heard the same man who saved you's voice "Hey. are you ok? that is from the other day when you nearly hit" He asked standing next to you "Huh? oh your the man who saved me the other day uh yea i am no majour injuries" you said as he smiles "My name is Sado but everyone calls me Chad" he said as you introduced youself also before leaving


you had a free last period also but you spent your time in the library. looking through the library  for a book the teacher suggested to read for history you and another hand grab it at the same time. looking you saw the boy from the other day "Huh oh hello Y-n" he said knowing it from the teachers introductions this morning "Hi boy from the other day" you said not knowing his name "My name is Uryu" he said handing you the book "you can read it first" He said leaving you alone in shock


Kenpachi had called you to his office and it scared you. What if he found out you were a girl?! what if he found out about your brother!?!???? WHAT IF! You stopped in front of his office so you knocked and when you heard no response you slowly walked in to see a beaten yumichika and ikkaku on the floor with a note on the table saying 'I need you to deliver this paperwork throughout the squads then i would like you to meet me at the training grounds Y-N. Sorry i mean Jason' You tore this note up and went around delivering the paperwork

Toshiro ((ICE BABY))

You sighed as you hid from chojiro. your father sorry i should be formal Head captain ((SEE I TOLD YOU TO REMEMBER!))was always so 'protective' of me. anyway after he left you wandered around and ran into toshiro's office and hid under his table while he worked. chojiro walked in and asked him "hey have you seen Y-N she has work to be doing and she ditched" fearing for the worst you gulped before toshiro replied with "No not since the other day" Once he left and was gone you crawled out and stood up "Thanks ice head" you teased him "yea yea fire tongue" he replied as you left


Today you were put on duty with Renji. that's it. Just...Duty

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