First meeting

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You and your two best friends were new in the neighborhood and as the adventurous one, you decided you would look around so you would have a rough idea of where everything is. As you walked around you felt as if you were been followed your entire look around your neighborhood. starting to get feed up you ducked into an alleyway so you could see/confront the presence who was following you. however, you didn't see anyone enter the ally way so you just shrugged it off and walked out of the alleyway straight into an orange haired male. "EP! ah, I am sooooooo sorry mister I didn't mean to run into you" You apologized as the strange man laughed it off "Its ok, no harm was done" He said. Feeling bad you introduced yourself "My name is (Y/N) I am new around here." as you introduced yourself he nods "Ah that makes sense, the moving truck was yours, huh, Well my name is Ichigo. I hope to see you around" He waves goodbye as you are left alone.


You had been the third seat of the thirteen squads for ages Jushiro adored your continues help. You have had many encounters with shunsui but never have you actually been properly introduced to him due to your constant business. today, however, you had a day off but instead of doing something different those loud idiots said they couldn't find your captain. Now you were going to the last place you could think your captain was. Shunsui's room. knocking on the door you fix up your kimono up and smile. the door opens and Shunsui says "Oh Jushiro your little job girl is here" he says and you groan "I. Am. Not. A. Job. Girl" You hold in your anger because he was a captain "My Name Is Y-N And I Just Wanted To Inform Captain The Loud Idiots Are Looking For You," you say leaving as Shunsui watches "Y-N" He mutters.


You were a close friend of (Shunsui's G/F Name) So you hung out with her often so you had met Jushiro many times. Today was no different (Shunsui's GF name) Had gone to deliver some paperwork to Byuakuya before she could go have lunch with you. Jushiro walks in and sighs sitting at his desk, noticing your presence he says "Oh! Y-N hey I thought you were going for lunch with (Shunsui's GF name)" He asks as you stand up "She is Off taking care of paperwork sir. I-I'm going to meet up with her halfway Good day" you leave the room


You and Rukia were rrreeeaaalll close friends so you had heard  of the heavenly brother. Today was a normal day or so you thought, Rukia had asked of you wanted to go to her house and you said that sure it would be fine you were now regretting it. Knocking on the door you hear skittering around before someone opened the door. It was Byuakuya! "Huh? Oh you must be Y-N, Rukia's friend. oh well rukia just got called into work so she isnt here" he told you as you bow "Y-Y-Yes sir! Ah sorry um" You basically run away to scared to face the captain!


You were one of the three that moved in ((Referring to Ichigos scenario)). You were the sporty one in the house, you had finished moving yourself into your room and you were hungry so you went on a jog so you could find a place to get dinner for the you and the other two. You decided to just buy frozen pizza and some other important things, now you were walking back to the new place. as you walk you see a black and white cat . You decided to walk over and see if the cat had an owner, you walked across the road safely...or at least you thought you were. Suddenly there was a bright light and a loud Beep of a car. been unable to move you close your eyes waiting to be hit, but no pain came so you opened your eyes to see you had been saved by a muscular and extremely tall man. "Hey are you ok? You nearly got hit by that car" The man asks holding you in one arm and your groceries in the other "O-O-Oh gosh thank you mister for saving me." you thanked him as he nods "Its ok Miss, As long as your ok i dont mind" He stands up as you stand up patting yourself down, taking your groceries  you bowed to him and left him alone


You were the last one of the three friends that moved in ((referring to Chad and Ichigo)) You were the smarter one but at the same time, you could be dumb especially when it came to emotions. You had the job of ensuring that everything was ready for you three. You had to go to your new school and double check you (Ichigos Gf) And (Chads GF) Were all enrolled in your new school. As you walked around the school lost you tremble as people walk past you start regretting coming by yourself. You go to turn a corner but run into a boy about your age. You and the boys hit the floor. your glasses hit the floor along with his "Ah shit my glasses" You both say in unison, patting your hand around you pick up a pair of glasses putting them on "Oh um miss they are my glasses may i have them" He asks politely as you look up noticing these glasses are much stronger then yours "Oh sorry! Um, may i have my glasses" You ask handing him his glasses, and he hands you yours. You both stand up and he points down the hallway "That is the direction of the office" He informs you. you smile and go to thank him but he had already disappeared


As the new person in the squad every one else gave you a hard time, Today you were been harassed by Yumichika and Ikkaku. "You look like a girl! ha" Yumichika teased you. you dressed as a guy so no one questioned your power, but Kenpachi had heard of your power and insisted on meeting you so you were walking that way. "Yeah! Yumichika! you know if he wasn't so obverse a guy then i would say he was a gal" Ikkaku smiles as you walk into the captains office. Inside was Kenpachi. "So your the new person in the squad? Jason right?" He asks walking over. He stares at you for way to long before saying with a smile on his face "enjoy your time in our squad. you are dismissed oh and Yumichika and ikkaku leave he-him alone" He sits back down and you leave

((Jason is the male name for your character ALL WILL BE EXPLAINED LATER))

You and Momo were close friends but Toshiro and you had never gotten on cause your zanpakuto are complete differences. at times Momo would drag you to have tea with her and Toshiro and today was no different "Toshiro" You said nodding to him. He nods back "Y-N. How is third seater, work?" he always asked you the same question everytime. You were the third seater of Squad 1 (This will be mentioned later please remember) Momo walked in with your luitenite  Chojiro "Sorry to call you away Y-N but Head Captain Yamamoto wants to talk to you" He said making you smile "Sorry Toshiro, Momo! bye" you leave with him


You were the third seater of squad 6. though you worked along side Byuakuya a lot you had never actually met Renji cause he was always do jobs. Today Byuakuya stayed home so you had to ensure everything was done and ready for when he came back. you were rushing around then picked up a pile of paperwork for Jushiro and went to deliver it but you ran into a red head pineapple standing in the doorway "Ah! The paperwork" you gasp picking the paperwork up "Oh sorry" He said rushing to help you. Once you had both picked the work up he introduced himself "I'm Renji the Luitenite you must be Y-N! the third seater correct?" He asks. You nod and leave "I have to deliver this! sorry" 

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