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Ok I promised this one a while ago so here we go

First meeting
Technically you met Aizen when you became his third seat however during his resistance you were caught against a tree by a dead Shinigami's sword. You believed you were going to bleed to death and accepted it until you saw the familiar brown hair of your captain. "C-Captain....Y-Your alive? I-I thought you were killed....ha i must look like a mess to you..." As you say that Aizen grabs the sword from your chest and pulls it out before sending a blast to destroy  a tree by you alerting a different shinigami to you which saved you

Meet him again
You were sent with a few other shinigami to scope out Aizen's base however when you arrived you were met with the sharp ends of swords and receiving end of Cero's. the only reason you survived was because you were able to flash step away however the only safe direction was into the base. you ran away hearing the Hollows chasing after you, which was probably why you were running as fast as you physically could. you took a few lefts and rights which landed you at a dead end accept a few doors which was your only option as you hear the hollows approaching. running into the first one to the left you ran into a bedroom and closed the door behind you, unsure of what to do you stayed by the door almost blocking it off. you silently sobbed  as you didn't notice the man in the room, or more accurately the owner of the room, your Ex captain who soon was kneeling in front of you. you looked up as you felt the captains hand on your neck. deciding you were no threat to his plan he chained you up keeping you in good health

He realised he loves you
Well he adored how kind and gentle you were as a shinigami and when he had you in his room you hadn't changed so neither did his feelings

You had been there for about two months. Aizen had been nothing but kind and sweet the entire time and he often kept others away from you as you had shown your fear about them openly. Today the door slammed open as a few unnamed shinigami had come to take you back,you expected most likely to be interviewed or tortured. Not that you would know as while been carried through the halls you fought. You had become so used to the comfort of here that you didn't wanna return to the Shinigami world however the dumbasses who tried to kidnap you simply thought you were losing your mind or something. When they became surrounded by the three Ex captains you were thrown to the ground an after thought to the Shinigami's. Not to Aizen though, who opened his arms to you and wanting to go back to his room, you ran into his arms before he killed the fools who hurt you. As you were carried back Aizen smiled  "Don't worry my prince/ss I won't let anyone else hurt you. After all I love you"

How they kiss
Small pecks on your cheek, he loved you but you were not comfortable with  full blown lip to lip kissing as you had lip biting anxiety and your lips were badly scared 

Get caught kissy kissy
Well you were more caught snuggling on Aizen's chest as you were having a bad day. Gin and Grimmjow came in and you went to move away but Aizen held you to his chest and raised an eyebrow which caused the two to leave

Yours 4 Him :My god
His 4 You: Prince/princess

Well you didnt celebrate it as when you were alive 'christmas' didnt exist and Aizen didnt wanna stress you, however he did get you a present, a new outfit for you that would get you out of the Shinigami outfit

You didnt get it due to having your ovaries removed when you were younger

Pregnancy! HE WANTS YOU PREGNATE! so bad to reproduce and ensure his name will continue on however you couldnt get pregnant whenever your in bed, the words 'Get pregnant and bear my child' often left his mouth not that you mind as you loved the warmth of his seed

You get hurt
"My Princess please, would you leave me alone! I have things to do! I have other things to do!" Aizen had screamed at you that night as you didnt want him to get out of bed and so you were clinging to him. after he screamed and left you got dressed before storming to Kaname and told him if he didnt send you to the human world you would cut his d**k off and stick it on his forehead. Once in the human world you went around and started to explore around the town, the snow slowly falling around you as you walk. you were in the human world for 19 hours and did a lot of stuff, got a mani pedi, did some shopping, went and had coffee, it was all fun until you saw Captain Soi Fon and Ex Captain Yoruichi on patrol. thinking if you kept your head down and just walked you would be able to get away you walked past them, only for Soi Fon to recognise your as your spiritual pressure dropped as you went past. the moment the two Captains started to run after you, you ran and thank fuck Aizen had you run around for him back in the soul society because you were able to keep speed and stamina for much longer then the captains. You soon found yourself in a construction site, up 9 floors and still running, you slipped from the snow fall and fell into a pile of bagged cement. as you crawled out and tried to get up you realised you were badly hurt and one quick glance down told you why, you had badly broken one ankle in the slip and had bone sticking out the other leg. As you crawled you could hear the two captains try to find you but as you hid you hoped they would leave. after 30 minutes of bleeding out you passed out from blood loss believing this is where you die

When you woke up you felt the familiar softness of the mattress you had spent days in because you had sprained your ankle, when Aizen cared about you. as you sit up and look around the room you see Gin sleeping on a seat next to you but as you expected, No Aizen. grabbing a pillow you threw it at the sleeping man to wake him "Gin Wake Up!" You said as Gin groaned and sat up straight "Oh good your up, now I can have a fuc-" Gin started as he was going to yell at you only to be interrupted by the door slamming open and Aizen walking in. As soon as you saw the familiar face you just turned your back to him and said nothing as you were left alone for a few hours. When Aizen returned he said nothing but sat on your bed which you said or did nothing towards "Look Princess I know I shouldnt have yelled at you but you know how hard Ive been working on this, they needed me and i had to go. you shouldnt have gone to the human world, its dangerous, though i expect you are already well aware of that given how badly hurt you we-" You sat up and upon locking eyes with Aizen you tear shreds into him, about how its every night, how you two are never alone and how you wished sometimes you were free to do whatever with him but how instead he was so focused on destroying the soul society, you knew it would be the end of him and finally if he wanted to treat himself like the victim you would leave and that was it no if buts or who's about it. "Either you grow the fuck up and take this relationship seriously or i will leave, and i wont ever come back. now get out!"


Sorry been hella busy but enjoy, and take a guess who is next or what sceanario is next

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