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So for ease this will be solely gendernutral, so girls guys and non binary pals can have your fun hehe, now enjoy 

First/second meeting
You were the replacement captain for squad five after Aizen betrayed the soul society. you met Momo on your first day at work and though she was hurt you showed her much kindness and often would offer her cookies and treats. Momo often called you identical to Jushiro in how kind you were.

She realises she loves you
It was hard in the start as she still loved her captain but as you took your time letting her get used to you as her captain, everything from letting her compair you to him to comforting her when she cried, she soon realised you were a much better captain and not long after that Momo started to fall in love with you.

Unlike how she is with her friends she felt nervous to blurt her own feelings out. As you were doing your normal morning walk around and monthly inspection of your barracks Momo approaches with some letters "Ahh momo nice to see you today" Momo nods and hands you the letters. as you walked and read the letters you stumbled upon a love letter from Momo. you read it and smiled a little but acted like you saw nothing and finished the inspection with Momo's room where you smiled "Ah perfect as always Momo, just what i would expect from a captains girlfriend, much less my girl" You said walking back to your office leaving momo a blushing mess

How they kiss
Well often Momo would just walk up and pull you down to kiss your cheek, or if your in office walk over sit on your lap and kiss your cheek before just sitting happily not that you minded, far from it

Getting caught kissing
Well often she would kiss you with captains around so you were often 'caught' but as Momo wasnt comfortable with sxual stuff so most the time it was just a pecking every now and again

Your's for her: Peach
Her's for you: (your hair colour) Shiro

Christmas was a hard time of year for Momo as it was the time when Aizen betrayed her, however you didnt pressure her and simply got her a few small gifts as she was busy helping the others. days end comes around as Momo came by to give you a gift she got you, a peach charm bracelet "Momo, how sweet i love it!"

OHHH GOD! the saying 'there is no greater fury then a scorned women' was sooo true. you had been called to a Captains meeting the same morning Momo's period started which irritated Momo because you weren't there when she woke up. The next four days were absolute hell as Momo was rude to you and undermining you however day five it hit you she was on her period "Momo, its nice for you to join me, sit, soo you have been in a bad mood for the past five days, you know as long as your period has been on, and though i understand your period sucks, if you dont stop been rude we will have a...LONG conversation. understand dear?"

Well Its not much like a kink but as Momo is a switch, most the time she is your baby girl but at the same time every now and again you do get pegged and momo is quite a good top. when she is a top you get pegged and when she is the bottom, she loved been over stimulated

You get hurt
As a Captain you often ended up with a scratch or two however when Aizen attacked the soul society you didnt expect him to personally target you, by the end of the fight, you were missing an arm, had cuts bruises and scrapes everywhere and was bleeding out. Aizen wasnt much better as you had cut four fingers off, had shattered his left arm and he was burnt badly. as you laid against a tree you realised that there was a very small chance someone would come by before you bled out

You were found luckily but your arm could not be saved however Mayuri made you a robotic arm, it was almost identical to your old one however it felt odd. Momo was quite happy you were alive but when she felt your new hand she was put off by how it wasnt as warm as she was used to. two months went by before you had proper control of your arm, but through out it all Momo was by your side


we are diversifying the castttt

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