You getting hurt

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You knew a little about reapers and the soul society as Ichigo had forgotten you in his room and came back in reaper form. you couldnt see him but you sensed him and when he just suddenly appeared he had to tell you. Anyway you were out for a night jog against Ichigo's warning, as a few weeks ago he had said things were getting bad and it may be for the best that you stopped your night jogs for a bit which you did but because you had weighed yourself that morning. No shock you had gained weight, which wasnt all bad but been self conscious and thinking nothing bad could happen you went for that run however something bad did happen. you didnt see him however Ulquiorra wass there and attacked you. you tried to fight against him but you were only human and he was a strong creature. He broke your arm and badly bruised your back while leaving only a small cero burn on your chest as Ichigo had been close by.

You went out with some of the other reapers as they went out to drink in celebration of someones birthday, you dont remember as all you can feel is pain. A hollow suddenly appeared and destroyed the building. directly killing everyone who was by the wall it destroyed, however as you had been getting a drink you werent there but you were currently caught in the rubble. you could hear the rescue squad however you could only hope they pinpointed your SP as you could barely breath, a heavy pillar on your chest making every breath painful. However luckily for you Shunsui had done something smart. he used an old Hado trick to have a red string attached to the necklace he gave you for christmas as you never took it off he always knew where you were. When the light hit your eyes and his worried voice calling your name filled your ears you knew you were safe and passed out

You were Squad 4! the only reason you were let on the battle feild was so you could help! not to be in the line of fire however a Menos fired and you were caught in the crossfire. hurt but not dead or badly injured, just a burn from the blast. After the battle you finished helping some of the lesser reapers before unohana pulled you aside and told you to get cleaned up as you were a mess of tears from the pain and the horror of the battle feild.

There you were, clutching the wounds on your arm  caused by Byuakuya's Zanpakto as you had been trying to surprise him with his favourite tea and cookies as you hadnt seen him in nearly 3 weeks due to a mission. Even though your ears were ringing you knew Byuakuya was screaming at you about how you know you shouldnt go near him while training. But it was to late, the tea and cookies on the ground broken and ruined, tears running down your face mixing with the blood, and you...You unable to say anything as you turn and run off

Chad and you went out for a walk as you often did as a date and today seemed like it always was but it wasnt. the rain was slowly starting to come in and it was coming in hard! soon you two were rushing to get home however just before you got to your place you saw someone, a small child on the road with a car barrelling towards her. You called out and started to run to save the kid however Chad knew it was a trap like the one Ichigo had as a child as he saw Grand Fisher in the alleyway. You were to far ahead when he realised what was going to happen. he ran but it was to late, you ran to the kid and went to protect them when the car hit you.

He would be there, you knew he would, he couldnt forget about the date you two had been planning for nearly four months. yet as the clock ticked and it went from the 11am you two were meant to meet up at, to 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm "four pm....he isnt coming, he forgot"  You muttered as you stood up and pulled your scarf up to cover your disappointment. on your way back you didnt think today could get worse until a man walked up behind your and grabbed your mouth so you couldnt scream. he pulled you into an alleyway and pinned you to a wall before stabbing you in the stomach again, and again, and again. you felt the knife penetrate your stomach at least five times before the man stood back and ran off. you took your phone out and called Ichigo's GF as she was probably the closest. All you could do was hope she got there before you died

They found out! Ikkaku and most the squad found out you were a girl, you were trying to find Kenpachi to hide with him until Ikkaku flash stepped in front of you and grabbed you. he started taunting you and slammed you against the wall. AGAIN,and AGAIN, and AGAIN! God did it hurt as he bragged about how he was gonna beat your skull in and how now he knew you were a bitch he was gonna make you pay for humiliating him however the familiar bell sound stopped him as Kenpachi towered over Ikkaku and you. He didnt need either of you two to say anything as he already knew what was going on thanks to his Pink haired Lieutenant. Ikkaku didnt even get a chance to say anything as he was thrown to the side like a doll by Kenpachi who gently picked you up and walked to his office

Rangaku, the one person who told Toshiro that he obviously liked you, was also the person who hated the fact he was with you. she planned out greatly the best way to frame you, however when it backfired and actually got you hurt she left you alone pretending not to know you were there, in a hole she had dug. Now why didnt you just flash step out? because the reason you were in the hole, you tripped and in doing so badly bruised your leg and you couldnt use it to help. you sat quietly there as you figured no one was there and you were right, their wasnt a soul for about 4 km's to far away to hear you


Renji will be in the a different chapter so this can come out. Super sorry about the delays and stuff but I AM BACK OFFICIALLY!

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