After maths P2

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God you knew Byuakuya was cruel but this was way to far but you couldnt fight it "Yes sir i understand" You said as you handed your third seat badge over. You were now just another reaper in the squad, it was a low blow that caused you more pain then your wound but you let him take something you worked years for before walking out and back to your room. When you enter Renji was inside, not angry but sure as hell not happy as you entered. 'WHAT THE HELL Y-N! why did you take that hit!? It was aiming for me and i was ready for it! You-Your now no longer a seated member! you worked your ass of to get here and now  your throwing it away!" Renji snaps as you just walked over and sat down on the bed, and you didn't acknowledge his words which caused him to storm off. the relationship was strained before as Renji had done some things that worried you but as time went on Renji realised his mistake and came back apologising. normally you wouldnt take him back so easily but what did you care, he at least apologised so you shrugged and agreed but no more dangerous shit

When you woke up covered in a familiar Kimono she sighed and looked around in the empty room. you then try to sit up however you couldnt as the pain in your stomach was to much, however as you groaned the door slams open and Kisuke rushed in. He was by your side in seconds helping you to lay back down as he smiled 'Y-N its ok! your safe here. Tessai cared for you while you were out and Soifon has assigned you to permanent residence here.' It took you a while to fully heal and even then you had a large scar mentally and physically. due to where the enemy hit you, you lost all chances to have a child that was biologically yours though even after you told this to Kisuke through tears all he did was smile and comfort you even brightening your days with small gifts

You were alive. You were alive! But yet as you laid in the soul society it hit you, you werent. you were now a soul, not that you hated it but you had a life! family! friends! Work....everything and had to start over again. As you sat up and smiled at Kira's sleeping form you sighed knowing it had been nearly a whole month since the accident yet you were still in denial but you were also now a Shinigami! You went to your shared bathroom to wash your face as you thought back to the pain you felt when Gin, your beloved's Ex-captain, stabbed you with his Zanpakuto severing your coronary Artery leaving you to bleed out. The Shinigami left you as you were apart of the living and they didnt want to interrupt how the natural flow of things go yet that obviously didnt last. When Kira found you he had a break down seeing you, now a soul still connected to your dead body but you comforted him as well as you could and Toshiro Jushiro and Byakuya  all agreed if your sister was as powerful as she was you should be a good ally. When you left the bathroom you smiled and went to Kira who was pouting 'Babbyy still having nightmares?' He asked gently and you gave him the small nod that told him all i needed to

When Hisagi saw you upon your arrival to be cared for by squad four he teared up. you had burns all up your right arm with some burn marks on your neck that reached a little of your cheek, however when Hisagi was allowed to see you he rushed in and hugged you gently. You knew Hisagi was going to be caring and over protective of you even after you were all cleared and ready to go back to work. every other minute he was rushing after you, wouldn't allow you to lift anything that was more then a pound, you weren't allowed to do training for nearly two weeks until, you tore some strips into him about how you needed to train and do stuff otherwise itll be impossible for you to raise your god damn arm. 'I know baby but your hurt! i dont want you to get extra hurt' he said as he tried not to offend you. however when you kicked his ass you simultaneously, reminding him that you could care for yourself.

When you woke you were in a private room, in the clinic, all wired up as you sat up carefully knowing that Isshin had cared for you while you were out. When you pushed the button to call him in, he rushed in and smiled widely upon seeing you. There was no massive after math just, you had to be given pills by Isshin and Yuzu didnt let you drink coffee, for three weeks.

Ryuken would stay by your side outside of his normal work and even after Uryu and yourself had been released he was still not willing to let you go. Caring for you was all he would do "Y-N, my little princess hows your arm today?" Ryuken asks as he  came in with breakfast. You had broken your arm in the car crash and recently you had been struggling to do as much as you should 9 weeks later.

Well dear god did you get an ear full when you woke. you were in his room, the only time you had been there as it was his 'special space' and not even you were allowed in there but none the less as you sat up and looked around the room in awe at how it was perfectly organised you met the angry sleep deprived orange eyes that belonged to your boyfriend. He stared to scream at you about how you shouldnt touch anything in his lab let alone mess with things. he went on for nearly an hour until he had finally gotten it all off his chest. once he did, he finally looked at you and all the worry, the fear, the everything flooded out and he started sobbing. he rushed to you and hugged you almost like a child who lost their mother in a shopping center.

sorry about the delayyy

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