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How you met

Well you were a soul who would just wander the plains of Hueco Mundo not consuming nor killing creatures unless they became hostel towards you. you were no hollow but not a soul or Quincy, to be precise you were most closest to a Visored. anyway today was an odd day, no hollow had approached you as many would do day to day but you just thought that rumours had spread far enough for people to learn not to mess with you until you eventually came to a weird area which had mirror like vines all around and in which you saw a black haired man. you turned around to confront him but his spirit pressure suddenly rised so you struggled to breath before he ran past you and killed a soul reaper who you didnt see because they had some kindo hidding him. no words were exchanged before he walked over and pulled you up, you reached for your sword when he stopped you and tapped your chest where his hole was muttering "My name is Ulquiorra and i want your heart" he then left

Properly introduced.

You had just been recruited by Gin who saw you as a powerful ally but half way through the walk through you saw the same white black and green hollow from before. when gin saw him he greeted him and as Ulquiorra said 'ditched you' with him not that he was complaining. he showed you around more however as he showed you around there was a blue haired cat that was called Grimmjow who kept bugging you and you were getting annoyed at this point but you didnt let it register until he reached for your gloved arm which caused you to reach for your sword but Ulquiorra was quicker and shot a Cero at him. you were shocked but he just lead you away

he realises he loved you.

well actually he had fallen in love with you before you met him as his emptiness actually was partly helped by you. he just feel more in love with you as he stayed with you


well he partly did it when you first met but he did it every day from when you came onto Aizan's team. after two months of it you said fine.

how he kisses

Neck, cheek, nose but never the lips he always says you have to do it first

Getting caught

you were annoyed but you kinda liked his kisses. one time you were sitting on his lap and he started kissing your neck as he also gave you a slight massage until Grimmjow slams the door open screaming that he wants to go round 2 but stopped when he saw your position


Your name for him - hollow head
his for you - Heart


Neither of you understood Christmas however you were gifted a set of Gloves that Ulquiorra make Szayelaporro make for you


 You? period? oh you mean the thunderstorm that happens once a month that everyone in the base fears? even Ulquiorra? Ohh yeah um no one fucks with you and your hollow head tends to take care of you as much as you let him


dis boy? Ohh haha dis boy loves your feet~ one day you were on your period and he started to rub your feet after you pissed Kaname off and he made you run laps. you didnt attack as you knew Aizane would hear bout it and he was mad with you. as he rubbed your feet he then kissed your feet, then sucked your toes then you looked at him to notice his problem but he didnt push it


this is weird and short but ENJOY!

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