Christmas 💝

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Ichigo had woken up to Yuzu jumping on his bed saying "BIG BROTHER! Its Christmas! and there is a big package for you" She said as Yuzu tries to drag him out of his bed. Walking downstairs he stares at the box that has a note on it saying 'Enjoy your Christmas present' it wasn't signed. As Ichigo went to open it Karin stops him "Oi! no one opens presents until dads awake!" Ichigo smiles and says "trust me Karin i should open it, Last i checked Y/N is claustrophobic" he said pulling the lid off and you stand up and say "Awe damn how did you know it was me?" he laughs and kisses your nose "Let me guess you never got me a proper present" when you blushed nodding he laughed and picked you up revealing your tights and Christmas shirt 


When you woke up you saw a letter on your bed-side table on top of a small present box. reading the note it says 'Dear Y-N merry Christmas. Shunsui wants to meet you at his office at 12. Enjoy your day off  - Jushiro' you laughed reading this before looking in the box there was a beautiful bracelet with a 13 on it. unable to put it on yourself you sighed and got dressed. looking at the time you see its 10.25 am and smiles. you went to Jushiro's office with your present to him. Smiling you walk in saying "merry christmas Captain!" you hand him a present and you both chatted about candy. You looked at the time "Oh gosh sorry captain i have to go" you say looking at the time, it been 11.59. rushing to shunsui's office you walked in to see him putting up a mistletoe. "awe Shunsui" you said making him look over to you. he got off and walked to you pulling you under the misletoe and he kissed you and pulled you onto his chair. you smiled as he put a necklace on you saying "merry Christmas cutie"


smiling you woke up face to chest with Jushiro "morning my dear" he said as you smile "Merry Christmas Candy" you and he laughed until he pulled you onto his chest making you blush. "for you" he said as you felt him put a necklace on your neck as you looked and it was a gorgeous pendant. "awe Jushiro"


 You woke up in your normal room which was no surprise. you got up and got ready to go. You were in squad 2 so you knew today wasn't gonna be very fun but you put your positive face on and walked to your squad. the day slowly went by but you kept busy. it was now lunch time and you were walking to a cafe you knew was near by and should be open however it wasnt. you sighed and walked back only to run into Ōmaeda 'CRAP!' you thought as you knew he would make you do shit that caused you to be busy the rest of the day "OHHH perfect Y-N I need you to scrub the bathroom and...Oh hi Captain kuchiki what can i do for you" you looked behind yourself to see Byuakuya "lieutenant Omaeda I need Y-N to discuss things" he picked you up and walked away as Omaeda looks confused. once he got to his room he sat you on his bed and hugged you. you giggle and said "Merry christmas cherry blossom" you said as he pulled a box out from his robe. inside was 2 cherry blossom pendants


You hadnt see Uryu all day because he was with his father all day. you went out shopping and when you got back you started cooking. You knew that you were probably going to be the only one at home today because the other two were with there boyfriends. You finished cooking sweet stuff when someone covered your eyes and whispered in your ears "Hello Y-n im sorry i was busy all day" you instantly knew who it was and said "Hello Cupid. do you mind if i finish fixing the cake up" you asked as he removed his hands and you saw Uryu in an ugly sweater making you laugh. You then roll your eyes and put some icing on his nose. You two spent the rest of the day eating and hugging. he got you a book series


You and Chad were sitting in the apartment watching movies. 


he and you went on a mission together, he gave you a clock pendant


 Momo was dragging you around with her presents for everyone. you did this every year however you were trying to rush Momo because you and rangeku were going to suprise Toshiro. You and Momo finished and you ran to Toshiro's room where he was still sleeping. I mean it was 4 in the afternoon but it was ok because it ment you had perfect opotunity. When Toshiro woke up a few minutes later he saw a HUGE BOX. when he opened it you were in there with a bow on your head. he smiled and said "Awe perfect! just the present i wanted" you giggled and hugged him as you both just lazed around for a couple of hours before he sat up saying "Oh shit! i forgot i have paperwork!" he said but you pulled him down "Rangeku is doing it" he slightly calmed down


Renji was clinging to you. It was the day after Christmas. HE FORGOT IT!


SHall we forgive Renji? if we do ill write that sceanario on the next page. if not then ill do that one

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