How they kiss

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Ichigo been the sweet shy guy he is has a very soft and gentle except this one time...It was very rough...It was a hot day


His Kisses are either long and gentle or quick and rough and when he is drunk they are long and rough and he occasionally goes lower than the lips


Jushiro? does he kiss...Oh yea he kisses me occasionally its always a small peck. sometimes i wounder if he could full on kiss me


Small butterfly kisses unless it gets heated then well be ready to wear a scarf the next day


Caringly rough or butterfly kisses because he is scared he will hurt you if he is to rough


Like father like son he kisses you pretty roughly and it gets heated quickly


Rough LOTS OF TOUNGE and your lips are bruised after a good session. after a bad session, your necks bruised


He kisses you pationtly when Rangekui teases him


Rough! and He uses tounge when your alone however when your in public butterfly kisses

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