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how you met
you met Yumichika he came back with Ikkaku after they walked a bunch of their underling into a slaughter house. they barely came back alive and you were put on Yumichika's case to ensure he was mentally stable and if he wasnt to try and help him. you had been given a report by lieutenant Isane and asked around before you met him. you walked into his office as he worked in on his report and stood by his desk. immidiatly you noticed a few things, his hair hadnt been done he wasnt wearing his feathers or his orange shawl. you stood their and waited for him whistling which caused him to look up you. you spent a couple of hours with him acting like you didnt have to make a report on him.

he realises he loves you

he realised he loved you shortly after he met you, he found your laugh addictive and he would seek you out on the days he didnt see you.


he had spent two weeks asking you out and you got so fed up with it you groaned and said fine. it had been 3 months since the blood bath and in that time you had slowly worked on his mental health so he was no longer a reck but the only reason was because of you. so when he confessed to you you said yes, but was it because of your work? or because you care

How he kisses

small buterfly kisses is all you let him

getting caught

after a few weeks in the relationship you slowly got into the idea of actually committing to this relationship. one day Yumichika was having a bad day and you were sitting in your office writing up this weeks report and he came in. you noticed straight away and hid your report on him and bought out a report you had to read over on Kenpachi. he walked to your chair and lifted you up onto his lap and you blushed, which wasnt uncommon cause he would sit you on his lap and he loved the warmth. now you belived you were not needed for a while so you thought it would be safe to give him the affection he desired. you kissed him and started a makeout session with him as a way to cheer him up until the door opened and Unohana walked in "Y-N i requ....oh i see your busy" she merely left rather then saying anything


Your nickname for him - feather head
his nicknames for you - foury

Christmas 💝

Frankly after everything that happened when you got caught you couldnt see him for a couple off weeks however when you got back it was christmas time and you requested for Yumichika to be let off work today for "revision" now frankly you had fallen in love with him a while ago. when Yumichika finally got to the normal meeting place you jumped him and hugging and kissing him. you two proceeded to spend all day with him and you explained everything to him feeling bad

Period time

You were on the pill


sadistic - he loved it when you would humiliate him or dominate him


please do not hate me for this but enjoy

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