the final secrets and rumours

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Watching Starkk walk through the gateway as he went of to do whatever he spent his days doing you would sigh and move around camp to clean up. You had used your old knowledge of soul society for you to find a small place where the soul reaper's could not touch you lot as long as you stayed away from the souls. yet, yet even though you had practically given the three of you a home where you were safe, Starkk would always leave to go hang around Aizen for a few days to keep him away from you. You knew it even if he didnt want you to, yet as you cleaned up you wouls frown knowing starkk wanted to keep you safe and yet you couldnt help sometimes feeling like he wasnt Just trying to protect you. Shuffling around for a few days you would lay down on day five before you sat up and looked towards the portal before turning you back to Starkk as he walked through. Seeing you with your back to him, Starkk would hush Lylinett to try and help you sleep "Oh come on starkk, you aint even going to see her so why should i be quite" As Lylinett spoke you would hear her get hit by Starkk "Because I dont want the love of my life to know that to protect her I have to work with the man who basically cut her eye out! Ok? Lylinett, you know how i feel about them and what ill do to protect them but that man will hunt her down and gut her if he finds out that im two timing him...I just hope...I just hope when he goes down, even if he takes me...she is safe..." Starkk said as you slowly closed your eyes and sighed happily when you felt his lips kiss the side of your forehead before he muttered how much he adored you.

 A mass murdering had occurred and hollows were expected to come down in mass so Ikkaku had been sent to deal with it. You had been nearby and headed over to start with the soul cleansing before the hollows show up however as you fight the creatures you could not keep defending them so after doing a quick check making sure that there were no reaper's around you would sigh and lowering your sword you would form your hollow mask before putting it on and slowly you would cut the creatures down slowly draining the power's from the hollows as they died. Little did you know three minutes ago Ikkaku would rush through the portal to the human world and quickly turned running down the street towards the battlefield to try and help you but when he saw you killing the hollow's with a hollow mask he would stop silently freaking out before he saw the mask disappeared and you would go back to sending the soul's away. 

As you and Yumichika stared at each other you would sigh. You had been listening to rumours all day from Yumichika's peer's about how he was seeing a new person. Everyone said the same thing, 'it was better then been with a worthless psychiatrist' and 'well this way Yumichika will be able to focus on fighting instead of protecting some women'. Now as you sat staring at each other the silence was killing the two of you but neither of you knew how to bring this up. "Yum-" As you went to speak he would speak up and interrupt you. "Y-N, please my little fourth squad squint (IYKYK) please understand that im not seeing anyone but I am...seeing? Ok no need to know I...I got Unohana, give me to another Psychiatrist so I didnt have to worry about my amazing adorable partner getting in trouble" As Yumichaki spoke you would sigh in relief and rubbed your head glad you know he loved you

You would hide away in your bedroom as Ulquiorra tried to tear through Las Noches looking for you and your 'other man' because grimmjow had been teasing Ulquiorra about how there was no way that he was the only man and how he is so sure that you 'slept around with everyone' yet he never asked you about it because it only took Ulquiorra 10 minutes to determine that it was true but you were only sleeping with one person and he would hunt him down. He was hunting for over and hour and a half before he came to your room and slammed the door open, yet as he did you would squeak and cover yourself with your blanket. You were hot so you had stripped to underwear and when he slammed the door open you were terrified it was someone else. seeing it was you clearly angry boyfriend you would stand up and slowly walked closer letting him take you 'beautiful body' as he put it in to try and distract him from his anger and it worked. wrapping his tail around your waist and pulling you closer to wrap you in his wing Ulquiorra would ask if you were cheating just for you to remind him that there was no idiot stupid enough to touch you let alone try to seduce you.

"Grimmjow! why are acting so strange?! come on you wont even fricken let me serve my own food" you would scream at Grimmjow as he cooked your food. He had been acting weird for a few weeks at this point but you had no idea why. "Y-N! For the last time I just wanna be helpful to you! I mean your my partner isnt this what you do for me all the time" You would roll your eyes and walked to the bathroom. When you went inside you would notice that in your personal hygiene Grimmjow had hidden, badly, a box of pregnancy tests. Walking out you would throw the box at him and start screaming about why he had pregnancy tests, and why was he acting weird which was when he explained how Aizen had said that Grimmjow was a bad partner because he spent half the time between the human world and Las Noches and he wanted to make you feel nice. and the pregnancy tests? "I went to the shop to get you a bunch of stuff for you and i was looking at the box and a women asked if it was for my special someone and i got it...Aizen explained what it was and i didnt wanna chuck it out" Which made you laugh.

You had been avoiding Aizen for a few weeks at this point because Gin and Kaname had explained that Aizen had been doing something that even THEY Didnt know about. You had noticed Aizen staying away from you yet at the same time you were so shocked by their words that lead to you right now. You were standing on the other side of Aizen's door waiting for him to answer and when he did you would lower your head to the ground, a silent hint of hesitation in your voice as you asked " cheating on me?" To which Aizen started to laugh, and it stung. Stung hard. as your thoughts run through your head you would step back and go to turn away before you felt Aizen's arm wrapping around your waist and pulls you close "My little prince/ss how could you think im cheating on you? There is no women here who has half the brain's as you do, let alone the kindness and your smile? No one can replace that but I have a project that you will love when its done. I promise" As Aizen spoke he would pull you into his room and laid you down careful of your ankle as it was still very sore before he started to compliment everything about you to try and comfort

"Momo? Have you seen the alcohol bottle...that I got from Unohana for my birthday?" as you asked you would walk into your office where Momo was cleaning something up. "You...You mean the really expensive one you asked me to not tell anyone about? N-NO cant say i have" At Momo's words you would shrug and slowly walked away as you were confused. you thought you had left it in your office but it wasnt there and you have checked your bedroom so you know its not their either and you knew it wasn't drunk as you had been saving it for tonight. Your one year anniversary of been a captain and yet you couldnt find the bottle anywhere. As you closed the door behind you you would stop to think for a few moments before you heard Momo freaking out "Shit shit Y-N is going to kill me when they find out I broke the bottle...damn it Momo why did you do that" and there it was. Well you didn't mind so you left and left it alone as you never wanted to worry her about it.


Hi beans I would love to continue this book but its so stale and I was wondering if you guys would be ok if i started to re-write this book. I can remaster everything in this book if thats ok with you all.

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