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Kisuke was missing you as you had returned to the Soul Society to report to soifon. You had finished with your meeting and were walking to your room before someone grabs you pinning you to the wall. As you thrash around you feel someone bite your neck before hearing Kisuke's voice that relaxed you a bit "Shh Y-N be quite otherwise someone will see" He said as he keeps you pinned to the wall before things could get to heated Soifon clears her throat saying "oh and uh Y-N..." You both blush as you went with Soifon

  hisagi and Kira  (also its most commonly Kira's gf as Y-N)

Kira and hisagi had to share a room while Kira's room got fixed up as there was a HUGE HOLE in the wall. anyway Kira and hisagi were enjoying a drink or hundred. Kira pinned you to the wall just outside the room as He grinded on you and sucked on your neck, As you walked in you and him see hisagi and his Gf on the floor slightly heated as Hisagi's GF's shirt was almost all off.


Kaname getting heated? NNOOPPEE lol he is to blind


You were taking care of Yuzu who was on your lap asleep. As you pat her hair you felt someone behind you. Just thinking it was karin you smiled "Hey karin you ok?" You however felt lips on the back of your neck which easily told you who it was "I-I-Isshinn! N-No I have Yuzu on my lap" You say as he went around leaving a hicky or two until you movement woke Yuzu up as Isshinn smiled saying "Y-N be careful you have spots on you" You blush as Yuzu apologizes


You were having lunch with Ryuken  or you wanted to but he was busy. which sucked but you didnt care much. you eventually fell asleep on the bed before you woke up with the feeling of something kissing your neck! "Ah!" you say as Ryuken kissed you "mm~" you kiss back before the door open as Uryu walks in and he gets off you... leaving you a blushing mess


he made a doll of you so he could mess with you at any time. Until you found out and made him get rid of it


Starrk was sleeping, or you thought, and he was clinging to you before he kissed your neck and you tried to get away. apparently you and him were making a lot of noise because barragan walked in

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