Rumour's and secrets

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"Y-N come on i promise you im not doing anything i just have to go to a lieutenant meeting" Renji would say as you cling to him "Dont give a flying fuck if its Rangeku or byakuya, you promised me a morning in bed" You said as you held Renji's waist. Honestly Renji had been spending so much time on 'meetings' recently and you knew he was lying because you and hunted Rangeku down to ask why all the meetings recently to which she told you the Lieutenant meeting was once a month and once a month only but you didn't want to flat out accuse Renji as the two of you had been working on fixing everything. After 10 minutes of back and forth Renji left you alone before you got out of bed and followed him. Soon enough you would see Renji walk into Rukia's room which shattered your heart. Rukia, the one other female that you knew Renji liked but no no way he is your partner. You would mentally think before you heard Rukia hiss about how Renji was late but when he laughed and coo'ed about how cute you had been snuggling to him and he didn't wanna leave. Hearing these words leave his mouth you would leave as you wanted to just hope the best and push this out of your head

Staring at Kisuke the two of you would sit in silence. Kisuke had come to visit you but on his way Soi Fon had gone and made a comment which had clearly gotten under Kisukes skin "Are you sleeping with your squads lieutenant to try and get higher in your squad?" Kisuke asked as he looked you in the eyes. This was new though as Kisuke hated eye contact "No but I'm switching squads. Squad 12, Mayuri has personally requested me to move to his squad after the accident. He said that if I moved away to his squad I can move to the human world for 10 months of the year" As you explained what had been going on to Kisuke would flinch as he realised that Soifon had played him. You had stayed in soul society and accidently lowered your contact with Kisuke as you had practically been doing everything you needed to so that your transition would go as smooth as possible but you had forgotten about what Kisuke needed as your boyfriend. the two of you would spend the rest of the day together to comfort him

After everything with Buyakuya's partner Kira went to you to find you to tell you all about the funny mishap. When you heard it you would start to laugh hysterically as you had heard the same rumour "Yeah I heard all bout it and I forgot who it was that my boyfriend was for a few seconds and thought it was true" You confessed feeling awful as you had meet (B/G/F) because Kira wanted everything on the table, especially knowing how frail you were still within the first month of your death. Hearing your confession Kira would frown and hug you shaking his head comforting you 'never my dear never'

Hisagi Shusui
Staring at you, Shusui would silently sip on his beer while he ignores all his fellow lieutenant drunk talking. Hisagi was always relaxed in the relationship, late nights early mornings he never cared as long as you came back but recently you hadn't. You would be spending countless nights out and when you returned you would burry yourself in work. It would boil over today, Rangeku's birthday, you were chatting up some random Soul reaper who was clearly flirting with you and even though you were clearly trying to get away Shushi just snapped and threw his bottle at the guy, missing and hitting you. When the drink spilled all over you, you would slowly turn your eyes towards Hisagi, and the moment your eyes locked with his you two would start a screaming match "YOU USELESS LIEUNTENANT! YOU CANT EVEN AIM RIGHT" You would scream at him before he turned around and screamed right back at you, calling you a slur. You had heard it many times since you came to be a soul yet it stung like a SOAB when he said it. reacting within a flinch you would slap him back "Then if im such a digust go burry yourself in Rangeku's chest like you have been doing for the past two weeks since you cant control my every breath" You would scream back before storming away, and gods above you hated when the rumours the two of you would hear, how Hisagi, was sleeping around or gambling. Or you were stealing from the captains that passed you around as extra help. You both knew the two of you would end up going back to each other sleeping together and talking it out but sooner or later the two of you would know that you needed something you didnt have time to do, Communicate properly

No! "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN! Isshin!! Come on its Friday, Yuzu is at a friends, why are you going out again! Come on you promised me you would be open in this relationship!" You would try to stop Isshin from leaving however as he stood in the doorway trying to calm you down Isshin clearly wanted to leave. "My love bug please calm down I'll be back real soon and I'll bring flowers and Chocolates and whatever else you need but I have to go out for an hour or two" Isshin would reiterate as he frowned. He hated hiding anything from you especially the soul society given how important it was to his life, him and his son both been reapers but he knew here and now you were in danger if he told you. Walking away Isshin would leave as you slammed the door before turned towards the bedroom and laying down. It was 5pm and you were just exhausted from everything with work and now your emotions gone haywire because of Isshins sudden rushing away even though the two of you had planned an evening to yourselves

You would look at your friend who had been chatting to you before shaking your head "Ryuken would never do such an awful thing. He is a quincy and he is loyal" You would defend him before grabbing your scarf on the way out. No way Ryuken wouldn't do that would he? No Ryuken is a loyal Quincy he wouldn't leave the culture. Running to his place you would rush to try and unlock the door only for Uryu to open the door. Rushing past him you would run upstairs and right into Ryuken's room and grabbed Ryuken "Ryuken! Is it true?! I heard from Riki that you were going to leave our can't go" you would ask as Ryuken would wrap an arm around you. After a few seconds you would look up towards him, Ryuken would shake his head and pulled you to the bed to explain what he had planned.

Looking at Szayelaporro you would silently glare for a few seconds before looking back down to the book you had as he looked up. You had been trying to ignore all the others statements about Szayelaporro's newest project but it was seriously annoying you the more you thought about it. All you knew about the project is that he was creating something but you werent allowed to know and Aizen didnt appear to know either as he didnt asked for it. "Y-N! WHAT!?" As Szayelaporro snapped at you as he had noticed your glaring at him, and as he had finally had enough of the glaring "You have been glaring at me for three days and every fucking time I ask what's going on, for the last time i wont tell you what im fucking making"  Szayelaporro snapped as he would grab what he had been working on with him except he left his notebook. Grabbing it you would read the notes, all about you and how you loved hugs and affection even though his discomfort about it and how he was making a mini him that you could hug him even when he was busy. Seeing this you would tear up and shamefully shuffle into his back room to apologise and give him the book so he could work.

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