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I don't own Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia. I do however own a silly blanket with Kirishima on.

"Watch where you're going!" I screeched at the car that nearly hit me as I was crossing the road.

I was currently walking down the crowded streets of Tokyo to reach the train station. When a car decided to run a red light and almost collided with me.

The man behind the wheel was clearly not in a good mood. Since he decided to yell a bunch of profanities after me as I removed myself from the road.

"Stupid idiot," I mumbled under my breath and continued my walk to the station. I did not have the time to argue with strangers.

I looked down at the watch on my wrist only to realize that the train would be arriving in 10 minutes. As a result, my walking pace turned quick jog.

'A little exercise doesn't hurt. Although it wasn't because I wanted to exercise. It was because I was about to be late for my train.' I thought mildly irritated.

I was navigating through the crowds and finally spotted the entrance to the train station. I started to run in hopes of getting to said destination in time to reach my train. As I was running towards the gate, I started to fish out my ticket from my pocket.

Finally reaching the train station I made my way to the ticket gate. Slapping the ticket onto the little scanner, I waited for the annoying beep that told me the ticket had been accepted. Soon the small doors attached to the gate opened and I hurried through them.

I was practically flying up the stairs of the station to reach my platform. After reaching the top of the stairs I made my way over to the line of people who were also waiting for the train. Karma seemed to be on my side at the moment because there were still 3 minutes until the train would arrive.

'Damn, I ran like Sonic.'

I pulled out my phone to check if I had gotten any messages that needed my attention, knowing that I would not be able to respond after arriving at my destination.

"Doesn't look like there is anything important"

The sound of the train arriving made me put my phone away and prepare myself to board it. I moved to the side along with everyone else and watched the train door open, letting out everyone who had been trapped inside. I made my way inside the crowded train and placed the bag I had been wearing between my legs. The train closed its doors and started to move. I tried to make myself as comfortable as possible and prepared myself for the journey to Musutafu.

After what felt like years the train finally arrived at my station. I picked up my bag and waited for the doors to open. I stepped out of the train and slung my back over my shoulder and made my way to the exit.

'And here I thought it was going to be a normal day, but apparently not.'

The day started as it normally did. Clocking in at the hospital, checking up on patients, and some check-ups on a few pro heroes. You know the usual stuff.

I was currently working at a hospital in the inner city of Tokyo. Which proved to be a very busy job. Surprise, surprise.

I moved to Japan 4 years ago to continue my medical studies and soon earned the title of "Quirk Doctor."

A Quirk Doctor is a doctor who specialises in quirk-related injuries and the aftermath that they may have on a person's mental state. They are also the first to show up, alongside Pro Heroes, at places where villains have attacked. Quirk Doctors are also often the ones who take care of captured villains.

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