ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 33: ɪ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ꜰɪɴᴇ.

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I don't own Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia. I do however own plants. ⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎

Before I knew it Friday arrived and so did the meet-up with Sir Nighteye. I was really looking forward to it, it felt like it had been ages since I had talked to him face to face. This was going to be great. Sir Nighteye might look scary but behind that stern expression was a truly kind man.

He was one of the first people I befriended after moving to Japan. Sir Nighteye was not just my friend he was my best friend, or at least I felt like he was my best friend. I am honestly not sure if he views me as his best friend, but he never bothered to correct me when I called him my best friend, so I assume that he was fine with the title.

There was a little skip in my step as I walked through the city towards Sir Nighteye's agency. I finished my work shift just half an hour ago and was practically flying through the do the moment it ended. I felt all bubbly inside and I could not stop myself from smiling.

"I'm going to visit my best friend. I'm going to visit my best friend. I'm going to visit my best friend ~" I sang to myself.

A lot of people said the friendship between me and Sir Nighteye was odd. But that was just because we gave off very different vibes. He looks like he could actually kill you and I look like a wet cat. Or maybe think of a very large Doberman strolling alongside a pigeon. You hopefully get the point. Although Sir Nighteye was a lot more intimidating. However, we were surprisingly not that far apart when it came down to skills. Sure he does have way more experience than I do but I am not that much behind him.

As I walked towards Sir Nighteye's agency I spotted someone in a U.A. uniform walking in the same direction. He had blond hair and I was pretty sure that it was Togata Mirio.

'Should I say hi? I mean we are going the same way. Would it be weird if I said hi? We don't really know each other would I look like a creep if I Said hi?' I thought as I looked at the student.l

Before I could make up my mind a voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Hello, Dr. (l/n)! Are you going to visit Sir?"

It was Togata who had greeted me. I guess it was not as weird as I thought. Togata was now walking over to me with a big smile on his face. He was surrounded by a friendly energy making me feel more relaxed as I greeted him.

"Hello, Togata. I am in fact on my way to visit Sir."

"Nice. I'm sure Sir is looking forward to seeing you again. Oh, I know, why don't we walk to the agency tighter, Dr. (l/n)? We are going the same way anyways."

"I mean I don't see a reason for us not to do that." I said smiling at Togata.

And that is how Togata and I ended up walking together. I found out a lot of things about Togata and actually got to know him as a person and not just Sir Nighteye's intern, which was kind of nice. Up until now, I had not known much about him other than him working with Sir Nighteye. This honestly was kind of surprising because Sir Nighteye talks about Togata a lot- You can just feel how proud Sir Nigheye was of his intern.

Before we knew it Togata and I had arrived at our destination. Walking inside Sir Nighteye's agency. A familiar blue person was waiting right at the door.

"Heyo Bubble Girl. How are you doing?" I greeted offering said lady a smile.

"Oh hello, Dr. (l/n) I'm doing just fine. I see you brought Lemillion with you."

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