ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 20: ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ꜰʀᴏɢꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʀᴏᴡꜱ.

510 24 20

I don't own Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia. I do however own a lamp shaped like a llama.

It did not take long before I arrived at "Practical Exam Location 2" I was eating the granola bar Recovery Girl gave me. It was surprisingly good, I thought it was going to be bland, but it tasted pretty good.

'I should ask Recovery Girl where she gets these.' I tough taking the last bite of the snack.

I showed the wrapper that had been around the bar in my pocket and as I did, I spotted Asui and Tokoyami. Tokoyami had his back turned to me and was facing the building in front of us. I gave a big wave and Asui waved back.

"They are here, Tokoyami." Asui said while nudging the boy beside her. Tokoyami turned around and gave me a small nod as a greeting.

"Hello Dr. (l/n)" Tokoyami said.

"Hello. So, are you two ready?" I asked the teenagers.

"Ready as we'll be. Are you ready to take care of injuries?" Tokoyami responded.

"I'm hoping that the injuries will be kept to a minimum. Besides, I don't exactly mind helping out with this. Taking care of injuries and all that jazz, it's kind of my job. But you two better give all you got. I want to see you succeed." I said with a smile.

"We'll do our very best!" Asui said with a smile.

"Well, I should probably head to the exit. See you two on the other side and good luck!" I said while heading towards the exit on the other side of the building.

"Thanks." Said both Tokoyami and Asui.

Looking back, I could see Asui and Tokoyami were heading towards the entrance of the building. I should probably hurry up, so I am at the exit when the exam begins. Speeding up a bit I managed to reach the other side of the building before the whole thing started. My head was still pounding. The dull pain was faint but not faint enough for me to not notice. It was honestly a bit annoying. It was hard to focus on anything but the pain in my head. But I had to focus on the exam, so you can imagine that I was having a bit of a hard time. On top of all that, my ankle was sore, but at least it was not stinging anymore.

I found a place to sit, which so happened to be right beside the exit. Sliding down the wall, I took out the tablet and started watching what was going on inside the building. Asui and Tokoyami had just entered the building and they looked ready to fight.

Just like with Sato and Kirishima a buzz sounded implying the exam was about to begin.

"Team Asui and Tokoyami, practical exam. Ready, go!"

Immediately after the start signal had been given, multiple Ectoplasm clones appeared. All of them charged toward Asui and Tokoyami, but they were quick to act. Tokoyami summoned Dark Shadow and threw Asui upwards. While in the air Asui successfully grabbed Tokoyami with her tongue and they both managed to land safely on the floor above Ectoplasm and his clones.

All I could do was watch in suspense and hope for the best. Which was getting extremely difficult with the headache I was currently dealing with. I used one of my hands to gently rub my temples while watching Asui and Tokoyami run. Their path was soon blocked by new Ectoplasm clones forcing Tokoyami to use Dark Shadow. It was going pretty well until an Ectoplasm tried to attack him from behind, luckily Asui got his back and fought off the attack. Asui used the same trick she did in the beginning and got both her and Tokoyami to the next floor.

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