ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 26: ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʀᴇɴ.

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I don't own Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia. I do however own a Doctor Who book. ⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎

After finally arriving at the headquarters I used my leg to kick the door open since I was still carrying Sero.

"Can someone please go free Midnight?!" I shouted.

"I'll go get her." Present Mic responded walking out the door to go free Midnight.

I made my way over to Recovery Girl who was silently watching the big screen in front of her.

"Hey Recovery Girl where should I place him?" I asked using my head to gesture towards Sero.

Recovery Girl looked at the boy in my arms and then at the students standing around her watching the monitor. Clearing her throat she got the attention of the students.

"Will Somebody please take him to my temporary office? Dr. (l/n) needs to go to the next exam." Recovery Girl stated.

Iida quickly grabbed Sero and carried him to the place Recovery Girl had talked about. I gave him a smile as a thank you and rushed out of the headquarters. As I was running I could not help but get a bad taste in my mouth when thinking about the upcoming exam. I was never fond of the idea of students fighting teachers for an exam. But this particular exam had me extremely worried. Who in the world thought it was a good idea to let literal children fight All Might. It just did not sit right with me.

As I neared the entrance gate of the exam area I spotted a certain blond kid by the name of Bakugo Katsuki.

"Hello, Bakugo," I said waving my hand.

All I received was a huff from Bakugo. He did not look pleased. But I do not think I have ever seen him look anything but annoyed and angry. It was actually a bit concerning. I barely knew this kid yet I already had the feeling that there was something wrong. He seemed to have trouble dealing with his anger. But it was so extreme that It left me with the impression that the anger was a result of something other than just anger issues. Like the anger was there to compensate for something else.

'I hope U.A is keeping an eye on the kid and helping him deal with his anger properly. This anger could have a serious negative effect on his future if he doesn't get the help he needs.' I thought as I got closer to Bakugo.

The scowl on his face had become even more noticeable now that I was closer to him. I looked around trying to spot Midoriya who was supposed to take the exam with Bakugo. But I did not see him anywhere.

"Hey Bakugo where is Midoriya?" I asked the teen beside me.

"That damn nerd isn't here yet. He is late." Bakugo mumbled.

I was kind of shocked to hear him speak about one of his classmates like that. I originally thought he just had issues with adults but guess I was wrong. I pulled out the folder with all the info about the exams and scanned through the papers. I finally found the one with the schedule for the day. According to the schedule, there were still two minutes or so till the exam would begin.

"There's still two minutes till the whole thing begins. So Midoriya is now late." I hummed putting the folder back into my bag

My word either did not reach Bakugo or he just did not care about what I just said. Because his frown only seemed to deepen.

"Why have I been paired up with an idiot like him anyway? I should be paired with someone on my level, not some useless Deku." Bakugo said annoyed.

"What? Deku?" I said looking at Bakugo with knitted brows.

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