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I don't own Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia. I do however own multiple pairs of socks with holes in them.


Walking down the road towards the station, I started to hum quietly. Not anything specific, just little random tunes. 'What a day. Who had thought a small visit would have turned into this? I for sure didn't. It is what it is. Still can't believe I have to help out with their test. Why me of all people?' My thoughts were interrupted by the growl of my stomach. "I should probably buy some groceries." I said after as my fridge at home was extremely empty. I just have not had the time to buy stuff. But then again, I have not really been home to eat for the past 2 months. I spend most of my waken hours at the hospital, only to come home completely exhausted and head straight to bed. Then wake up early in the morning to repeat yesterday.

'When was the last time I had time to buy groceries? I don't even remember. What should I buy? Maybe I should just make something simple for dinner? What about one of those frozen meal things you just have to warm up? Yeah, that sounds good enough for today. I can make something else tomorrow or something. What else do I need to buy? Probably some toilet paper. I should probably also get some cereals.' I started to make a list of things that I needed to buy in my head.

A drop of water hit my nose. "Don't tell me." I looked up at the sky only to be met with dark clouds. "And the only thing I don't have with me is an umbrella." I muttered and picked up the speed of my pace, not wanting to spend time in the rainy weather.

I was only a few roads away from the train station when it started raining. I picked up my bag and held it over my head, trying to shield myself from the cold liquid that came from the sky. "Just great." I groaned.

I managed not to get too soaked when I entered the train station. I took out my ticket went through the little gate at the entrance and proceeded to walk up the stairs. I soon joined a line of other half-soaked people waiting for the train to Tokyo. 'Please just let me get home before the rain picks up.' I prayed in my mind.

The train arrived and everyone stepped to the side. I was so tired that I almost forgot to do it, but I just barely managed to move before everyone stepped out of the train. Entering the train, I was lucky enough to get a seat and sit down. I placed my bag on my lap and soon found myself dozing off to the quiet rumble of the train.

I groggily opened up my eyes to find myself still on the train. 'Shit! Did I miss my stop? Please don't let me have missed my stop.' I was now fully awake. I looked up at the screen that displayed the next stop. I let out a quiet groan when I realized that I was 3 stops past my stop. I stood up and prepared myself to leave the train at the next stop. "Just my luck." I whispered under my breath.

The train stopped and I exited it. Making my way to the platform where the train that would take me home would arrive
Just as I started to walk I tripped over my shoelace. I luckily managed to make an award walk motion saving me from faceplanting. "Stupid shoelace." I seethed and moved to the side, so I would not be in the way of others as I tied my shoelace. I stood up from my crouching position and continued my walk to the platform.

I stepped into the line of people yet again and made sure that I moved to the side when the train arrived this time. I decided it would be better for me to stand in the train instead of sitting in case I might fall asleep again. I placed my bag between my legs and looked out of the window. It was getting dark outside.

I finally arrived at the right stop and stepped off the train. Navigating through the other people, who most likely also were on their way home, I soon found myself at the exit of the train station.

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