ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6: ᴀ ꜱᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ.

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I don't own Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia. I do however own a pair of platform boots.

As time started to tick by, I soon found myself becoming drowsier and drowsier. The lack of sleep I had suffered for the past 2 months had finally caught up to me. It did not help that I went to bed late yesterday.

I began to find it harder and harder to keep my eyes open. 'A little nap won't hurt, right? Aizawa said the meeting would start in a few hours. So, if I just rest for a few minutes.' I thought. A nap seemed like a good idea. Before I knew it, my head slumped down at All Might's shoulder and darkness consumed my vision.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a rather abandoned room. The only thing I could see was the white wood floor. 'Strange. I wonder where I am?' I thought as I looked around.

It would seem like there were no walls to be seen anywhere. Only a pitch-black void and the wooden floor. 

'Well, this is a bit odd.' My thoughts rang through my head like an echo bouncing off the non-existing walls. Realising I had been laying on the cold floor for some time, I sat up and noticed another thing that was missing. 

There was no sound. 

I could not even hear the sound of my own breath. 

'This is getting creepier and creepier.' The ear-ringing silence started to invade my head.

I decided to explore the empty place, to see if I could find, well, anything. I started to walk around the empty place, noticing that not even my footsteps made a sound. 

I continued to walk around for what felt like hours until I came across something.

In the middle of this empty space stood a long mirror covered by a white sheet. You could just barely see the shiny surface of the mirror from under the sheet. But it was, without doubt, a mirror.

'What is a mirror doing in a place like this?'

I walked up to the mirror and gently touched the sheet that was covering it. It was surprisingly soft. With a small pull, the sheet fell off revealing the full entity of the mirror. It was not a luxury mirror. It had a simple white frame around the glass that now reflected me. 

As I looked in the mirror, I noticed that I was also drained from colour. It was like looking at a very old black and white photo of myself. The green clip that held my ID in place had become a dark grey. The shoes I was wearing were no longer their usual light blue colour, but a pale grey almost white colour. I continued my inspection of the mirror until I looked at my reflection again.

That was when I realised that my eyes still held their usual colour, except they almost seemed to glow. I leaned in closer to my reflection to get a better look at my eyes. 

My eyes' glow only seemed to become stronger and stronger as if I had 2 (e/c) balls of light placed in my eye sockets instead of eyeballs. 'This place only seems to become more and more strange.' I thought as I stared at my reflection.

Staring at my eyes, I soon realised that the (e/c) glow had started to become redder and redder.

 It was like a pair of new eyes had started to replace my own. It almost felt like another person's set of eyes was staring at me through the mirror. Only separated by the thin glass surface that created my reflection.

A gust of wind suddenly made its way through the room, sending the sheet, that had fallen from the mirror down to the floor, flying up in my face. I grabbed the sheet that had wrapped itself around my head with both of my hands and pulled it off. I expected to be met with the same sight of my reflection. But when the sheet was removed from my face, I was not met with the sight of myself. The image in the mirror was something completely different.

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