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I don't own Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia. I do however own a pair of slippers with Dabi on.

The meeting had started and so had the feeling of nervousness that raged through my body. Even though I had already introduced myself the dealing never left my body. It was like I was just waiting for bad news.

'Stop expecting bad news (y/n). They are teachers and Pro Heroes they should know what they are doing, but still, they are just teens isn't a fight against the teachers a bit too much? Well, the students fought the league of villains so they should be able to handle a fight against the teachers, right? Maybe I am doubting the students' skills too much. Yeah. They are studying at U.A High School, they should be fine. Even though they are studying at one of the best hero schools I can't help but worry.' My thoughts kept bubbling in the back of my mind. Because even no matter what these teens may study to become, it does not change the fact that they are teens. All I could do was hope that the test would not be too unfair.

"I think we should get started with assigning the areas for the fights." Principal Nezu said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"So, let's Start with Kirishima and...." I had unknowingly started to block out what was being said.

I was simply too deep in thought. Even though I had just been snapped back to reality, I soon found myself sinking back into my thought ocean. Truth be told I was not fond of the idea of the students fighting the teachers for their tests. As someone who works as a Quirk Doctor, I just cannot pretend like students fighting teachers, who are trained Pro Heroes, is okay. I was overly concerned for the student's well-being. They have all been attacked by villains while they were at the U.S.J, not to forget their internship where 3 of them ran into Hero Killer Stain. They may all look fine right now, but the truth is that none of us knows how the situations they have gone through have affected them mentally. Even if they are mentally fine, pushing these students through so many things in such a short time makes me worry that they are stressed out. They are just teenagers, not Pro Heroes. They are actual children. I trust U.A and its teachers, but part of me wishes they would find another way to go through with these tests.

All the worrying had started to make my head hurt. I kept thinking of worse case scenarios and every time I did all that came to mind was Midoriya's broken arms.

A hand tapped my shoulder, and I snapped out of my thoughts again. I looked over at the person who had tapped me on my shoulder. I was met with the eyes of Shōta, or should I say Aizawa since this was a professional meeting, who had a look of worry painted on his face.

"Dr. (l/n) are you okay? You seem to be a bit unwell." Principal Nezu said and looked at me with a worried glance.

"Oh no. Everything is fine. I am just a bit concerned. If the students are going to be scattered over so many different locations, I can't help but wonder how we are going to tend to their injuries." I said and shook my head.

It was not a complete lie. I did in fact worry about how the teachers intended to take care of the Injuries if they were going to be so far from each other.

"Ah yes. That brings us to the next topic of the meeting." Nezu hummed while looking over some papers in front of him.

"Recovery Girl will be stationed in the observation room and her office will be placed close by. So, in case a student suffers from more intense injuries they will be able to stay at Recovery Girl's office. Dr. (l/n) you will be stationed outside the location or arena where the fight will take place. You will be picked up by the teacher assigned to the area you are going to. Any questions?" Nezu asked.

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