ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15: ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴏɴᴇ ᴛᴏᴅᴏʀᴏᴋɪ ᴛᴏ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ.

798 32 27

I don't own Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia. I do however own pants with stars on.


Okay, maybe  I did not leave the hospital immediately. I was really hungry, so I had to eat some lunch before leaving.

I ate my lunch in a hurry and it did not go unnoticed. All of my coworkers were staring at me wide-eyed as I inhaled my food. Slamming the now empty bowl down on top of the table.

"DELICIOUS!" I exclaimed and proceeded to gulp down my water.

"I- uhm... (l/n) are you okay?" One of the people sitting at the same table as I said with a concerned tone.

"Yup never been better. Thanks for the food." I said before I continued to scramble out the eating area and down the hallway.

"And off they go..." Another one of my coworkers said.

The people in the eating area were all staring down the hallway I had just sprinted through.

"I wonder what got them in such a hurry." Someone said.

The sound of rapid footsteps nearing the eating area could be heard echoing through the halls.

Crashing back into the eating area I ran towards the table I had been eating at.

"Forgot my bag." I said and turned around again.

I ran down the same hall I had just been at, this time with my bag in hand.

"There is never a boring day with (l/n) around." A fellow Quirk Doctor said looking at me sprinting down the halls.

Reaching the exit, I opened the door and nearly tripped on my way out. You might be asking why I am in such a hurry. Well, you see my dumb ass forgot to keep track of time and failed to realize That I had to take the train. So now I am running at the speed of light hoping to reach the train station in time.

'Please let me reach the train station in time, please let me reach the train station in time. Luck has not been on my side lately, so it would only be fair if karma would quit being a bitch and let me reach the train station on time. I mean the whole Shigaraki thing was probably one of the best examples of rotten luck. Or well I guess the Shigaraki situation could also be a great example of wrong place wrong time. Urgh just thinking about that fight makes my leg hurt. Come to think of it I might have broken the red-eyed man's nose. Meh serves him right for trying to kill me. I hope he is suffering from bad luck like me. I wonder what he is doing right now. No, bad (y/n) now is not the time to think of villains. Right now, all you need to think about is your visit at the hospital.' I thought as I made my way through the crowded streets.

I most really have been lost in thoughts because I had completely failed to realize that I had already taken the train and was now walking down the street towards the hospital where Todoroki Rei was located. My walking came to a halt as I looked at my surroundings.

"Wait when did I get here? Have I already taken the train? I could have sworn that I was in the eating area just a minute ago... What the hell. Man, I must have had my head in the clouds, huh." I said to no one in particular and continued to walk.

Not much time later I found myself at the entrance of Fujitani Hospital. I walked through the entrance and made my way over to the desk where one of the staff members was stationed.

"Good afternoon, what can I help you with." The person said.

"I'm here to visit Todoroki Rei. I'm Dr. (l/n) I was asked to come to visit her." I responded politely.

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