ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 16: ᴛɪᴍᴇ ɪꜱ ᴀ ꜱᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇᴘᴛ.

767 29 20

I don't own Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia. I do however own a Spirited Away poster.


Things did not become better.

I still found myself lost in thought and time still passed by way too fast. One moment I was eating breakfast the next moment I was preparing dinner. It was like my brain just could not get a grasp on time. All of this ended up with me being horribly confused. I could not figure out how much time I used on one task, even if my life depended on it.

"I seriously need to do something about this. I spend the entirety of yesterday like this and the exams start on Friday. So, I have today and the next 4 days to get a hold of myself." I said to no one in particular.

"Alright let's get going!" I yelled standing in the middle of my apartment.

I did a little power pose to boost my confidence until I realised something.

"I Have no idea how I'm going to solve this problem... Great!" I said still doing the power pose.

'Well, this is going to be fun. How in the world am I going to solve this? This suck.' I thought as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed myself some serials.

I looked at the little clock on the kitchen counter. It was currently 6 in the morning. Why I was up this early on a Sunday is a great question... Which I do not have the answer to. I personally blame it on my horrible sense of time. This whole ordeal was strange to me. You see I usually have a really good sense of time, but after I started having those dreams, my sense of time slowly started descending to garbage level.

The bar was on the ground, and I took out a shovel.

"This sucks ass." I muttered while munching on my cereals

"You know, I blame you, Shigaraki. If you hadn't shown up in my dreams, I would still have my normal sense of time. But noooo, you just had to show your crusty face in my dreams and try to kill me. Listen if you absolutely have to kill me then at least put on some Chapstick before doing it. Also, what are you doing in my dream anyway? I don't remember giving you permission to rummage around in my dreams. Yeah, no, I definitely didn't consent to this. And consent is key, Shigaraki. How would you feel if I just popped up in your dreams, huh? I don't think you would like it at all. Can we also talk about the fact that the scenario in my dream sort of happened in real life? What kind of magic BS is this? Last Time I checked it was Sir. Nighteye who had the future seeing quirk, not me. And I just realized that I am talking to a person who is not here. Unless you have broken into my apartment, Shigaraki. Honestly, that would not surprise me at this point. But what would you even be doing in my apartment? Steel my underwear? I hope not. That would be kind of nasty and... You are still not here, so why am I still talking?" I rambled.

I continued to eat my cereals, but this time it was with a newfound rage. If you could not tell, I was pretty pissed at Shigaraki. With good reason. I think you would be pretty pissed too if someone tried to kill you and then got angry at you for not actually dying. Like I'm sorry, but how was I supposed to know I was meant to die.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Hang on let me just snap my neck." I said in a mocking tone.

I stood up from the chair I had been sitting at and took my empty bowl over to the sink.

I cleaned the empty bowl and placed it on the counter too lazy to put it where it belonged.

I shuffled over to my couch and faceplanted on it. I picked up the remote to the Tv and aimlessly switched through the channels, trying to find something to watch. I eventually landed on a news channel and decided just to roll with it. I did not really pay any attention to what was going on. That was until the news lady said something that piqued my interest.

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