ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 32: ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴛʜʏ ᴋɴᴇᴇᴄᴀᴘꜱ.

383 15 4

I don't own Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia. I do however own red ink.

Days started and ended. Things had gone back to what they used to be like. No more special work. The only difference was my meet-ups with Iwasaki and Sugawara.

It was nice.

I had come to apricate normal days like these. Nothing wild was happening. Or well nothing wild was happening for someone with my type of work. I am pretty sure someone working in a store would find my work quite wild. But for me, it had been nothing more than regular work. The only thing remotely special that happened was the kids whose quirk manifested in the middle of a street. But in the end, even that was not too out of the ordinary.

I was on my way to meet up with my two co-workers when a ping sounded from my phone. I fished the phone up from my pocket and looked at the screen. One new message from Sir Nighteye. It had been a while since I last heard from him. I unlocked my phone and opened the message from Sir Nighteye curiosity tingling at my fingertips.


Hello (l/n) I was wondering if you had time to meet up soon? I have a few things I would like to discuss.

Sure I should have time this Friday after 4.


After sending the messages I placed my phone back in my pocket only for it to ping right as I let go of it. I did not expect Sir to answer so quickly. I pulled out my phone again to see what he had responded.


That sounds good. Please meet me at my office when the time comes.

Alrighty :)


I was pretty sure I would not get more messages so I thought it would be safe to put my phone back in my pocket. But just as I put my device in my pocket it pinged yet again. That was a bit odd usually Sir Nighteye did not message this much. Our normal text conversation rarely includes small talk so it was weird to receive another message after arranging a meet-up.

"Strange" I hummed unlocking my phone yet again.

But this time it was not a message from Sir Nighteye. Instead, it was a message from Q.D.D management. Silent dread spread through my body. Had I done something wrong? Had I broken a rule? I tried to wreck my brain for something I could have done to receive a message from management, but nothing came up. 'OH no are they going to fire me? No, wait I haven't done anything wrong why in the world would they fir me?' I tried to resin with myself.


Hello, Doctor (l/n) (f/n) we are writing to inform you that your request for support gear and a new uniform coat has been fulfilled. Please come collect your items in reception at the Headquarters.


I let out a sigh of relief after reading the message. The thought of getting fired had been stuck in my head ever since I saw who the message was from.

"Finally. That took ages." I sighed.

I know it was not Q.D.D.'s fault but that still did not change the long waiting period.

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