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502 21 33

I don't own Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia. I do however own a wand I carved myself.

"Alrighty, Asui could you please remove one of your gloves? I need to make direct skin contact for my quirk to activate." I asked the green-haired girl.

"Sure, just give me a moment." Asui responded and started removing one of her gloves.

After removing her glove, she reached out her hand and placed it in mine. I did the same thing I did with Tokoyami. Quick healing. It should be easy. I should be able to do it with no problem. Yet I found myself worrying about what might happen. I do not mean what will happen with Asui, she will be fine. I have done this serval times with no problem, I did it a few seconds ago with Tokoyami. I am worried about what might happen to me.

I am afraid of what is going to happen to me.

The static voice was faint, but still there as I focused on healing Asui.

Hearing a static voice, seeing colour drain, pain. All of that scared me.

Because this might be my quirk harming me. My quirk. Something I have spent hours training.

'Am I losing control of it? Did I not train enough? I cannot help but worry. What if it at some point ends up hurting others? I am probably just overthinking. Maybe the stress of the last months was getting to me?' The thoughts kept bothering me even as I tried to ignore them.

I was still holding Asui's hand even though I had fished healing long ago. I awkwardly let go of Asui's hand. It was only awkward for me considering I was the only one who actually knew how long healing took.

"There we go. All healed. You two should head back." I said looking at Asui and Tokoyami.

Asui gave me a nod and started walking away with Tokoyami following right behind her. I watched as they walked chit-chatting with each other. I could not help but smile, it made me happy to see them pass their exam. I turned my gaze to the teacher they had been fighting with. Ectoplasm was also watching the two students leave.

"Well Ectoplasm, ready to get healed?" I hummed.

"You don't have to. I'm not really hurt." Ectoplasm answered.

"Are you sure? It's not a problem for me." I said.

But in reality, it might just be a problem. But I just could not bring myself to face the fact that there might be something wrong. Or maybe I just had not realised how bad things were. Or was I straight up just denying it. I cannot tell you even if I wanted to.

"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, you should be heading towards Power Loader." Ectoplasm said with a sigh.

"I guess you're right... Wait I was told the teachers would bring me to the exam locations. Why did you not come and get me, Ectoplasm? Why do I have to get to the next exam location by myself?" I asked him.

"There was a change of plans. Now you should be going, I'll see you later."

"Alright, alright I'm leaving. See you later." I said and began to walk away.

I turned around and started to walk backwards so I could wave Ectoplasm goodbye. His response was a small nod. I turned around again so I could walk normally. Power Loader's location was not that far away so I should be fine.

"Change of plan and they didn't even think of informing me." I grumbled.

It did not take long before I spotted the exam location. It kind of looked like a constructing side. Looking closely, I could see Power Loader waving at me, so I decided to run the last bit. It would be awkward if he kept waving and I just sort of strolled towards him.

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