ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 18: ʜᴀʜᴀ ʜᴀɴᴅᴄᴜꜰꜰꜱ ɢᴏ ʙʀʀʀ.

739 22 25

I don't own Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia. I do however own elf ears.

The teachers arrived before the students and were now waiting inside one of the buildings in the area. Present Mic was now chatting with Shōta, or should I say Eraserhead. Midnight was standing beside me chatting with Cementos and Nezu was currently inside Shōta's scarf. Nr 13, snipe, Ectoplasm and Power Loader was talking amongst themselves, and I suddenly felt very out of place. Like a mouse between cats, because I had to admit there is something very threatening about so many Pro Heroes gathered in one room. It was not the first time I had experienced a situation like this, so you would have thought I had gotten used to it, but alas I have not.

To my luck Recovery walked into the room and saved me from my awkwardness. The old nurse was slowly making her way towards me with a smile that warmed my heart. There was just something about Recovery Girl that was so soothing, her entire aura shined with kindness Recovery Girl gave me a small nod as a greeting. I noticed she had a small piece of paper with her. I could not see what was on it, but I would guess it had something to do with the exam.

"This is the schedule for today, I wanted to give you one in case you forgot to bring the one Nezu gave you. You can see who will be fighting, where they will be fighting and when they will be fighting." Recovery Girl said handing me the slip of paper.

"Thanks, quick question how are we going to work? I mean what am I going to do and what are you going to do? It's a bit embarrassing to admit but I was kind of absent-minded when we had that meeting, so I can't really remember what I was supposed to do. I know it is very unprofessional of me, sorry" I said.

"Do not worry about it, dearie. That sort of thing happens to everyone. I will be staying in the headquarter while you will be going put to the different areas where the fights will be. You will be taking care of the students when they are done with their little battle, if they have more severe injuries they will be taken to my office where they can rest. We also do this because we want any serious injuries to be taken care of as fast as possible. So, if there is anything severe then you will be taking care of the worst and then they will be sent over to me where I will deal with the rest of it" Recovery Girl responded.

Something about her calling me dearie made my day a whole lot brighter and I could not help but smile.

"Understood." I nodded

"The students will be arriving shortly so be ready." Recovery Girl said as she left.

'Urgh, I feel like I'm going to throw up.' I thought placing a hand on my stomach. All the nervous energy coursing through my body was making me sick. I do not even know why I was so nervous. I mean I have fought villains and quite literally stood with people's lives in my hands. So why was this exam making me so nervous, I mean I am not even a student so this exam is technically not relevant for me.

'When was the last time I felt this nervous. Goodness, I can't even remember. Come on brain work, I'm trying to figure things out right now. It would be nice if you would do something else than give me nightmares, where Shigaraki tries to choke me to death. When was it, when was it? OH, I KNOW! The last time I was this nervous was when I had the last exam before getting my Quirk Doctor licence. Now it makes sense why I'm having a hard time remembering. I passed the exam, but I also overused my quirk a bit too much and since one of the drawbacks my quirk has is memory loss, it must mean the drawback activated.' I thought with a small smile.

Although my quirk caused some issues with my memory, I was still able to recall the event if I just thought hard enough. This was something that had taken a lot of work. I trained for ages and it felt like I was never going to be able to regain the memories I lost because of my quirk. But my parents were always there for me, encouraging me, cheering on me and most importantly never giving up on me. With the help of my parents, I gained more control over my quirk. I remember how proud they were when I first learned how to deal with the drawback of my quirk.

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