ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 12: ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ. ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ᴀꜱꜱʜᴀᴛ.

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I don't own Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia. I do however own a bunch of scrunchies.

Looking down at my ankle I could not help but let out a disgusted grunt. It did not look pleasant. Blood was still oozing out of 2 of the scratches, painting my sock in crimson red. Sights like this did not disturb me since this is what I deal with at my job, but I will not deny that it looked pretty nasty. I could see how my quirk was working on the bruise which looked... weird. It is almost funny no matter how many times I see my quirk work its magic it will never stop looking weird to me. You could see how the bruise which was a dark purple in the beginning chance its colour from dark purple to blue and then green. It was going quite fast actually but right now I would rather have no injured ankle at all in case Shigaraki decides to stop by.

"Mhm no. This is taking a bit too long. I'm just going to use Active Healing instead" I hummed.

Like many Pro Heroes, I also have some "special moves" or "power moves" Although I am not sure I would call them special or powerful at least not the ones related to the healing side of my quirk. But Active Healing is 1 of these so-called special moves. As I told Midoriya my quirk absorbs the injuries on my body automatically, however, if I want to speed up the progress, I can use Active Healing. Active Healing is like using my own quirk on myself. So, I basically give my quirk a boost. You can say it is like when I use my quirk on someone else but with the addition of the power that constantly runs through me. The downside of using active healing is that is more painful than my normal healing, but nothing I cannot handle.

When I first developed Active Healing, I could barely use it for 2 minutes. But now after getting older, going through training and participating in actual fights I have pushed my limits from 2 minutes to 3 hours. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself.

I activated my quirk and watched as my injury practically vanished from the surface of my skin. The only thing that was left was some very thin lines marking the places where the scratches had been. Now, I could use my quirk to remove the scars too, but that was just a waste of energy in my opinion. The scars did not bother me and my quirk in its normal state should take care of it too. So, using Active healing on the scars would just be extra.

"Urgh, I need a bath my leg is painted with my own blood... And maybe a bit of Shigarki's blood? I am not sure" I said to myself.

Some people might call me strange for talking to myself if this even counts as talking to myself. But it helps me calm down for some reason. It might be because I get to say all the thoughts in my head aloud. I am sure many people do it too.

Before I got up from the floor I decided to take off my shoes. I started to remove my shoes only to realise that one of them was stained with blood probably from when I kicked Shigaraki in the face which he kind of deserved if you ask me.

'Okay, that is way more blood than I expected. I just hope... I just hope I haven't left any bloody footsteps on the stairs. People are going to think I murdered someone if that is the case.' I thought as I placed the now red shoe on my doormat.

I just tossed my other shoe down somewhere near its partner and started to drag myself towards the bathroom.

As I made my way to the bathroom, I realised I needed something to change into after the bath. Letting out yet another groan I started to make my way over to my closet to grab some clothes. I tiredly threw the closet door open and grabbed some random clothing. I then closed the closet door and started to walk back to the bathroom but the turned around to look at the closed closet door.

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