ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 36: ɪꜱ ʜᴇ ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ꜱᴛʀᴏᴋᴇ?

371 14 29

I don't own Boku no Hero academia/My Hero academia. I do however own a fake rose. ⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎⬧︎

After what felt like hours of questioning I was finally allowed to leave the police station. At least the person doing the questioning was nice. What had not been so nice was sitting on a plastic chair for the entire thing. The questioning was important I understand that but they could at least have given me a decent chair to sit on. My ass hurt so did my back.

I stretched my arms above my head and twisted my body from side to side.

Luckily no one had gotten hurt except for Midoriya. But it was not anything serious just some small scathes from Shigaraki's hand. I was able to heal them in no time. While healing Midoriya I noticed that there had been no stinging pain or ringing in my ears. I know that it was just a small injury I healed, but it proved training with Sugawara and Iwasaki helped with the fear lock. Recovery Girl had been right when she told me there was an imbalance in my quirk. Now that I was training the blasting part of my quirk it seemed like the imbalance was beginning to even out. It would probably take some more time before the fear lock would completely disappear, but this was a start.

'At least I can go home now. That took way longer than I expected.'

I let out a sigh and started to walk toward the nearest train station. Today had been less relaxing than I had hoped it to be. Why did Shigaraki have to be at the same shopping mall as me? Why did he have to "test something" or whatever it was he needed to do? Would it have killed him to just leave me alone? Seriously I am nothing more than a random stranger. Yes, I did kick him in the face but he was the one trying to kill me. I personally think that kicking someone who is trying to kill you is a fair thing to do.

"What a weirdo." I huffed.

Also, why was he acting all buddy-buddy with me? First, he tries to kill me then he tries to act like we are friends or something. He is going to give me an emotional whiplash. Thoughts of my strange encounter with Shigaraki kept popping up in my head no matter how hard I tried to think of something else. But what really stuck with me was the giddiness in Shigaraki's behaviour when he grabbed my hand and started to drag me around. It was strange and off-putting but at the same time, it kind of made my heart hurt a bit. There was just something about it that did not seem right. It was like it was the first time he had held someone's hand in ages. As sad as that was thinking about it over and over would not make things any better.

With thoughts of the strange man named Shigaraki, I travelled home.

Sadly the whole ordeal at the shopping mall caused me to have another restless night.

Before I knew it the weekend ended and I was back at work again. I worked with patient after patient, but it seemed like no end to it. Every time I fished something two new things would need my attention, but I supposed that is just how work is. Never-ending.

I let out a quiet sigh as I threw a used pair of gloves out. The patient I had just helped had a particularly nasty wound on her thigh. She had taken a tumble down some stairs and completely scraped up her thigh. It was anything too difficult to fix, I mean I literally have the ability to absorb injuries. The only problem was that there was gravel stuck in the wound, so I could not heal her immediately. I had to remove the gravel first. It was easy enough to do and it did not take too much time. After getting all the gravel out I simply healed the wound. The patient was out of the hospital in no time.

"Dr. (l/n) may have a moment of your time?"

I turned around to look at whoever was talking to me. It was my boss. I gave him a small nod before giving him an answer.

Would you hold my hand even if it hurts you?Where stories live. Discover now